I don't really have much to say tonight except to say that tomorrow is the first day of June which means summer is here properly now! Come on nice weather, please don't let us down. I think this is a lovely summer photo and the title of it is very fitting too. My favourite thing about this picture is the colour. I love the contrast of the bright pink and the blue of the water. In fact the water colour is just so beautiful. Perfect photo to start the summer with.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
'Strawberry picking' by Me
It's Monday night which means the end of a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Yesterday we went strawberry picking with friends. I'd not been fruit picking for years and it was also the first time my daughter had been. I was a bit worried that she wouldn't enjoy it or understand what she was meant to be doing but she absolutely loved it! She was getting really stuck in and was great at picking the ones that were ripe. She actually had very high standards when it came to choosing which ones made it into her tub! It's funny how it's the little moments like this that make you so happy. We've all had so much fun this weekend but this was really the highlight. Can't wait to go back again!
Oh and this photo was taken by me yesterday. I was pleased that even though it was generally a cloudy day the sun did make a quick appearance so I could take some summery photos!
Saturday, 28 May 2011
'World's Favorite Sport' by vramak
There's a rather big football match on television tonight - Champions League Final between Manchester United and Barcelona in case you were wondering. Anyway, I'm not particularly interested in it but it made me set myself a challenge of finding a really good football photo to show you. I think I stuck gold here as this one is amazing! The composition is awesome. I can't believe the photographer managed to perfectly capture the ball in front of the sun like that. I love the little details of the silhouettes such as the person's big hair and the shape of his hands. The colour of the sky and the clouds are also so beautiful and I think the black border at the top and bottom finish this of just perfectly.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
'Flowers in the spring' by Me
Well after being all talk for a while I've finally gone and done it - I'm going to try selling some of my photos! I've had lots of my favourites made up into postcards and am selling them in my brand new Folksy shop, AprilWishes. I hope you'll come and have browse.
This photo is one by me that I really like but not had to the chance to show you yet. It's not for sale right now but it might just be one day!
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
'Soft, Spring Rain' by Darrell Wyatt
Do you ever find yourself smiling so much your cheeks hurt? Well I was a bit like that today. It was beautiful weather today and my daughter and I joined some friends for a picnic in the park. It was just so nice sitting in the sunshine, chatting with my mates and watching my girl and her little friends playing together so nicely. I realised at one point I was was grinning like the Cheshire Cat!
The colours make this such a bright and happy picture. It makes you want to sit outside in the sunshine. However, you will notice that the photo is called 'Soft, Sping Rain' and you can see perfectly captured raindrops falling from the sky. If only all rainy days could be as pretty as this!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
'Gelato' by Cecilio2010
I love ice cream displayed like this. Sometimes it looks so nice it's a shame to have to dig into it to sell it to people. The ice creams in this photo all look delicious. I'm not sure which one I'd pick. I'm especially wondering what that blue one is. I like the angle this was taken at as it's a bit more creative than taking it directly from above. I also really love the dreamy processing of this image. It makes me feel like there is nothing else around and I am really focused on choosing which ice cream to have. In fact it's rather bugging me that I really can't choose. I'll let you know when I reach a decision!
Monday, 23 May 2011
'Beach huts' by ania115
I am so tired today. Unfortunately I can't blame a child waking up or a crazy night out - I just went to bed too late last night and when I did I tossed and turned for hours unable to sleep. Usually I'm OK with late nights like that but for some reason I'm wiped out today. Anyway that means I shall be posting this then heading off to bed.
I still have so many things to do but they'll have to wait until tomorrow apart from tell you how lovely this photo is. I love beach huts and beach hut photos and this one is really intresting. I love that there are only a few colours in it as they all work perfectly together. I love the vintage tones - it makes it feel like it was taken in the 70s. My favourite thing though is all the shapes and sizes of the beach huts. I am so fascinated I want to go there right now and see what they look like in real life. Unfortunately I'm a little sleepy so maybe I'll got another day.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
'Nikon Coolpix 5700' by JDHuang
I've deliberately not posted anything here for a couple of days but it feels like it's been ages. It's been a nice break away but I am back and ready to blog!
I hope you've all had a lovely weekend and have some nice things planned for the week ahead - even if it's just a few little things to make you smile each day. This amazing photo makes me smile. It's definitely a picture full of happiness. Looks like the end of a lovely day for everyone in it. Love the shadows and all that bright orange light. Execellent work!
Thursday, 19 May 2011
'On the way home' by Me
As yesterday's post was about me wanting to take more people pictures I thought I'd post a photo of someone today and yes, it's my daughter again! This was taken on a train ride back from the seaside. She loves trains always loves looking out of the window. She's like me, I always like to have a window seat, even if it's on a journey I've done hundreds of times before. I like this photo because it seems to show contentment. We'd had a lovely time even though the beach was rather windy. You can tell that from her rather messy hair. Luckily for her she pulls off the windswept look, I just look more 'dragged through a hedge backwards'. Anyway, I hope you like this photo as much as I do.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
'0188 A happy occasion--Xiapu , Fujian Province , China' by ngchongkin
It's hard not to love this photo. It's so intimate and looks totally unposed. Just a guy tucking into his dinner. I wonder if all that was just for him! The most fascinating bit though is probably the steam coming off the food. It's making such interesting and rather ghostly shapes.
This picture makes me want to take more photos of people. I take zillions socially of my friends and family but I never ask them to be the subject of anything more arty. Well my daughter is often the subject of such photos but as she's only two she doesn't get much choice. Perhaps it's time my husband started practising his best smile - watch out honey my camera and I are coming to get you!!
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
'Untitled' by Krofna
This is such a simple photo but I was really drawn to it. I like it because it looks nostalgic. Not nostalgic to me as I have no memories of being by the water like this, but someone else's nostalgia. You could say voyeuristic nostalgia. Anyway, I think it has that feel to it because of the colours. It looks like kids are going to turn up and jump into the water at any minute or a couple are going to come and dangle their legs in as they share romantic thoughts together. It also looks a bit mysterious, like there is already something in that water that we might not want to know about. I am going to stop waffling now as you probably don't get what I am going on about. Hope you like this fabulous photo as much as I do though.
Monday, 16 May 2011
'Growing up the wall' by Me
I do love going through my photos and finding ones that I took ages ago but didn't think much of at the time. When I looked back and found this one I feel bad for rejecting it before because it's actually rather nice. I think it looks like it was taken on holiday somewhere hot when we'd have been sitting outside having a lovely meal and chilling out in the sunshine. It was however taken at a National Trust site called Polesden Lacey on a rather wet and cold day. Although perhaps I shouldn't have admitted that to you and kept the more romantic image alive!
Sunday, 15 May 2011
'The Birds And Ship' by Quantum Theory
Well it's Sunday already. Hope you've had a lovely weekend. Mine's been great with the highlight being a night out with the girls. We had a lovely meal, some nice wine and then off to dance the night away. I love dancing, and as a bonus my feet didn't even hurt in the morning thanks to my fab wedges which are high but still so comfy - the ultimate dancing shoe!
But now to change the subject from shoes to photography (two of my greatest loves!!). The first thing that struck me in this photo was the beautiful sky. I love it when the sky glows like that. But there are so many other little bits to notice in the picture that make it so special. I love the birds and the fact that you can see their reflection in the water. I love that you can't really tell where the sea ends and the wet sand begins. And the best bit has to be that ship in the distance as it's such an interesting shape. I think this photo is perfect for a chilled out Sunday night.
Friday, 13 May 2011
'Untitled' by Daily Colours
I don't know about you but I am hoping for a nice relaxing weekend. The last couple of days have not been chilled out at all. Nothing major just two-year-old acting like... well... a two-year-old! She's not usually one for big strops and trantrums so when she does it's always rather stressful!
Anyway, I'm settled now with a rather lovely glass of wine and think it might be time to snuggle up under the duvet and watch a DVD or some trashy TV. Then I have to keep my fingers and toes crossed that little one fancied a nice long lie-in in the morning!
I have picked this photo to show you mainly because it's lovely and it makes me smile. I love daisies, as they really are quiet pretty. It's such a shame that they are classifed as weeds and we have to chop them up when we cut the grass. This photo is lovely because of the colours. The three simple colours here make it look so light and summery. I also think the fact that only two of the flowers are really in focus is really effective.
You know what, I think perhaps this summer should be the summer of the daisy chain! Happy weekend everyone.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
'Gramophone' by ZedBee | Zoë Power
I keep going back to look at this photo but I'm finding it hard to put into words why I love it so much. I guess that means it's a silly choice for a blog post but I really wanted to share it with you. Thinking about it, the first thing that strikes me is the unusual subject matter. It's not often you see photos of gramophones so it's instantly striking for that reason. And of course it's a very pretty gramophone. I think what I love most is the colours and tone. The picture is so bright and airy and gives out a really cool and calm vibe. I hope some of that makes sense to you because it does in my head! Do let me know if you have any better way of describing why this photo so great.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
'Through the window on the Pier' by Andy Farrer
I think this photo is fantastic! The composition of this is great and would make a lovely photo with any kind of sky behind it but wow.... look at THAT sky! What a beautiful colour and managing to capture the sun in that perfect position must have taken dedication. Totally worth it though. Now, I think I might just sit here and look at this picture a while longer.
Monday, 9 May 2011
'My grown up girl' by Me
I took this photo last week on my daughter's first day at pre-school. Where have the past two and half years gone? It's probably cliched to say, but she really is growing up so fast.
I love this photo because she looks so confident and mature. I also love how I've managed to capture a little dimple on her cheek which means she must have a smile on her face. And of course I love the pigtails. I've recently starting putting her hair up like this and I think she just looks so damn adorable!
Aw, I just want to go upstairs and wake her up for a cuddle right now but I think that would probably be a bad idea for all concerned!
Sunday, 8 May 2011
'a view i'd never tire of.' by lauramariegiven
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I hope you are all relaxed and refreshed and ready to get started on another Monday morning.
I think this is a beautifully relaxing photo. Just looking at it makes me feel a rather chilled out. The photographer really has captured such peace and quiet. I could quite happily sit out on the balcony with a book and a cold drink - perhaps a glass of Pimms (following on from Friday's post). I hope the photographer was just has happy and relaxed when they took this picture!
Friday, 6 May 2011
'Summer Pimms' by baby, picture this
When I saw this photo and it really made me smile so I'm going to share it with you and hope it makes you smile too. It's just so happy and summery. I love the bright colours. And of course I love the glasses (or jars) of Pimms. I can't believe I've still not had any Pimms yet this year, especially when the weather's been so lovely. I'd better rectify that soon! Anyway, this is a fantastic photo that really does seem to say 'Happy weekend everyone!'
Thursday, 5 May 2011
'Barcelona windows' by Me
Our trip to Barcelona in March may have literally ended in tears but I have found myself really, really missing the city. I so want to go back and finish the holiday properly. I don't know what it was about the place but I really fell for it. In fact when we got there one of the first things I said to my husband about it was how it didn't feel all scary and foreign like some places do when you first arrive. But I think what sold it to me was simply how lovely everyone was there. We didn't speak Spanish or Catalan and there wasn't a huge amount of English spoken but when I had my accident everyone was just so nice and reassuring.
And of course there are so many photos in Barcelona which I just didn't take. Here is one I did take though. I've got a thing about taking pictures of windows at the moment that are interesting or really pretty. I though this was a really interesting window picture. I really like all the red curtains and of course being nosy on people's balconies.
Fingers crossed I make it back there one day!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
'Among the swans' by Helgi Skulason aka weekend2008
Well this is just awesome don't you think? These swans look like they're in some kind of scary swan gang - I know I wouldn't want to mess with them. I wonder how this photo was taken. I am presuming with a zoom lens and not actually swimming in the water! I am also very impressed because I find it quite hard to take good photos of water birds. I always get my camera out when we go somewhere with ducks, swans etc but it's so far been hard to get a shot which isn't just a picture of duck swimming along if you get what I mean. This is definitely not just a general photo of some swans.
Monday, 2 May 2011
'The Mad Tea Party! (explored)' by cheska annelliese
I love this photo because the light in it is just gorgeous and the shadow of the grass on the book is lovely. This image makes me want to grab a book and go sit outside in the sunshine (although there's not much sunshine right now as it's 10 o'clock at night and dark outside). I especially love the little details such as the title of the chapter with the cup of tea sitting in the grass. Hopefully I'll get a chance to sit outside and read in the sunshine at some point in the not too distant future.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
'Wakehurst' by Me
So how's everyone's weekend been? We've been having a really busy one seeing friends and family but it's been fantastic. And the great news is there is yet another Bank Holiday tomorrow! Hooray! Last week's four day weekend was rather awesome too - you know I think I could get used to these extra long weekends.
Surprisingly I've not really used my camera this weekend so I'll have to show you another photo I took last Friday at Wakehurst. When I saw these flowers I knew they'd make a fabulous subject for a photo and I think I was right. Just one thing though, I'm really terrible at identifying plants and flowers so can someone let me know if I'm right in thinking this is wisteria?