Happy New Year everyone. Here's to a totally fabulous 2012. I'll keep this short as I'm sure you've all got amazing parties to be going to or you need to be snuggling in front of telly with a bottle of fizz. Or in some cases it's already 2012 for you and all this New Year's Eve malarky is old news!
Here is a photo which is different from a typical new year themed photo. The scrabble idea is such a simple one but it always seems to work so well. I love the wooden scrabble tiles too - puts my shabby plastic ones to shame.
See you in 2012!!
Saturday, 31 December 2011
'Happy New Year' by Bhamgal
Friday, 30 December 2011
'bedroom' by I put deadly nightshade in your cup of tea.
It was a very exciting day in our house today as we swapped our daughter's toddler bed for a proper single bed. Of course that meant nothing else fitted where it used to so lots of reshuffling has been done but it now looks terrific. Actually it looks rather grown up. My little girl is definitely not my baby any more. Not even a toddler in fact. Sigh.... I wonder if she'll let me hang out in there too.
I thought this photo was rather appropriate to accompany this post. It's so girly and dreamy. I'd love a bedroom like that. That bed looks so cozy. I love the fairy lights and how well they have been captured in this picture. But most of all I love photos and other pictures on the wall in the background. I feel inspired - I'd love to do this somewhere in my home.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
'Burst of colour' by Me
I've been having a bit of a clear out of the photos sitting about doing nothing on my computer and turns out there are some nice ones that have previously been overlooked. I had to look twice at this one as I wasn't sure what it was. At first I thought it looked like tiny lilttle balls or beads but quickly remembered it was a view of the little ball pit we had for our daughter when she was a baby. I thought I'd share this picture with you as I thought it was time for a great big burst of colour!
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
'My first shoes' by Bozowizard
Although I really do love digital photography Polaroid and other instant cameras have always fascinated me. Earlier this year I got my hands on a secondhand Polaroid 600 camera but was really disappointed with the results. Reluctant to spend a fortune on the Impossible Project film for it I decided that the next time I tried instant photography it would be with a modern camera. I now own such camera as my dearest husband bought me a Polaroid 300 for Christmas. I'm so excited about getting started with it but I am also so wary of wasting photos as with just 10 exposures per film you can't just snap away like with a digital camera.
I will of course let you know how I get on with my camera in due course but for the time being I'll just show you a few instant pictures I love by other photographers. I think this one is so cute. What adorable little shoes. A perfect subject for a photo. What I really love though is the gorgeous sunlight. It just goes to show that a beautiful day can be captured on any type of camera.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
'Christmas Day' by ellieswellies
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas - I know I did. There's so much I could share with you about the past few days but I think I'll just use the word I used in my post about Christmas Eve. Magical. My daughter was just so happy and excited the whole day, in fact even two days later she seems to still be on her festive high. I'm very happy but also rather tired. On Christmas Day in fact I ended up going upstairs for a nap. Oh the joys of pregnancy! But this does mean that I got to experience a bit of childhood magic for myself. I went to bed, went to sleep and when I woke up it was still Christmas. Now how many children have wished that could be the case!
I didn't really take many arty photos over the past few day so here is a Christmas Day photo taken by someone else last year. It looks like it was a beautiful day. I love blue skies like this and snow is always a bit special if you end up with some on Christmas Day. My favourite bit of this is the icicles - check out the weird bent one to the left of this picture. I wonder how that happened.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
'Joy to the World.' by CarolynsHope
Well it's finally here. It's Christmas Eve (and to some of you on the other side of the world it's Christmas Day already!). Today has been a magical day. Had lunch with some great friends I've not seen in ages, went to a lovely children's service at the church and just been putting a very excited little girl to bed. Seriously loving Christmas this year because of her. This is actually her fourth Christmas but because this is the first year she really gets what's going on it almost feels like it's her first Christmas again.
I shall leave you now with this beautiful photo - yes more baubles!! I love the colour, I love the bokeh, I love the simplicity. Merry Christmas everyone.
Friday, 23 December 2011
'Festive stuff' by Me
I decided today to take a few photos of festive bits and pieces from around the house and here's my favourite snap. I like it because it's just so random. It also makes me laugh that we have so many boxes of mince pies in the house and I don't even like them. My husband and daughter love them though so I'm sure they won't go to waste! I'll just stick with the great big boxes of chocolate that are always kicking around the house at Christmas.
Two more sleeps! Squeeeal!
Thursday, 22 December 2011
'golden christmas card' by Babycrazy89
In a previous post I said this week's photos were going to be all festive and sparkly and I think I've delivered on the festive bit. Not sure I've given you enough sparkle though. Therefore here's a gold and sparkly photo just for you. I love that the only colour in it is gold really but there's still so much going on.
Only three more sleeps! Yay!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
'buddy xmas' by chotda
I guess it's the same every year but this year, probably because I'm pregnant, it feels like December has been super busy. So far I've done a photography course in London, found out the sex of our baby, visited friends and family, been to Christmas parties for grown ups and Christmas parties for children, had friends come to visit, been to a carol concert, been to a very excellent pre-school nativity, done a lot of shopping, had lots of nice lunches out, and that's on top of the usual groups and activities that I do with my daughter. To be totally honest with you I'm rather looking forward to a bit of a sit down in January! I'm shattered!
In fact I kind of resemble the cute puppy in this photo right now. What a lovely picture. I'm not sure if the dog's heart was totally in this photoshoot though. Perhaps red and white isn't his chosen colour for headwear! I'm not generally a doggy person but I have to admit this photo is rather terrific. Simple, festive and made me smile.
Monday, 19 December 2011
'Christmas chocolates' by Me
I decided that I should add a photo of my own to this week's Christmas pictures and here is my offering. I was a bit bored of taking pictures of the tree so I tried to think outside the box and found myself, well, inside the box. A box of chocolates that is. We were given them as a gift and there seemed no point waiting until Christmas Day to open them. I'm sure there'll be lots of yummy food to keep us busy then. Needless to say there would be a few gaps if I went to retake this picture now!
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Untitled image by -Fearless-
I can't believe that this time next week it'll be Christmas Day. I also can't believe the lack of festive images on my blog. I must do something about that so have decided that this week will be lovely and sparkly and festive here on 'It's all about the photos'!
Let's get the ball rolling with this lovely picture. It's another one of a snowy tree but it has a completely different feel to the pine tree image in my last post. Firstly, I really love the reflection on the bauble. It's a lovely picture itself. I also like all the detail, how the snow is kind of melting on the tree and I love the little splash of red. And how cute is that blue colour? Really makes the photo vintage looking. Another one that would make a great Christmas card. I've I feeling I might be saying that about very picture I post this week though.
Friday, 16 December 2011
'Pine and snow' by Shari-Lynn1
Well it snowed a little bit this morning. Not enough to settle and cause any disruption but enough that my daughter could get all excited! She said, "I told you it would snow!" as I've been telling her I didn't think it would snow for a while. I would say that's probably it for now but I underplayed the wind on Monday and woke up to a broken fence in the back garden!
Here's a snowy and rather Christmassy photo which I find absolutely beautiful. The colours are so strong and fresh. You can almost smell the pine needles. The detail of the snow is great and I especially love that it's been captured falling out of the sky. This could definitely be a Christmas card.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
'Bord de Seine' by Nicolas.M Photographie
There's no reason to be posting this photo other than it's rather beautiful and I just wanted to share it with you. It's a wonderful example of night photography which I hope to be able to master one day. The lights are perfect. And of course it's of Paris which is a great place to get some lovely photos. I'm starting to wonder if there are actually any bad pictures which include the Eiffel Tower. I hope you enjoy looking at this photo as much as I do.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
'~ summer love ~' by ~Fussel~
Well I spoke too soon about it not blowing a gale yesterday. The wind did indeed get much stronger in the night, so strong in fact that one of our fence panels came down and has squished one of our patio chairs. Serves us right really, we should have put all that away by now!
Because the weather is so cold and miserable outside I really felt the need for a hot and summery photo this evening. This one does the trick! I feel much warmer just looking at it. Those warm tones are wonderful and I really like the creative angle. I don't know if it was really there or added afterwards but I think the balloon finishes it off perfectly - especially as it matches the flowers exactly.
Monday, 12 December 2011
'Blown away' by Me
As I sit here at the computer I can hear the wind blowing a gale outside. Well, it's not gale force quite yet but it does sound rather strong and I'm sure it'll be even stronger in the middle of the night. Oh well, at least it's not snowing!
The weather might be rubbish but it has inspired me to post this rather cool photograph. Whilst up on Beachy Head I spotted this fantastic tree which of course had to be photographed. I wonder why it had grown in this way. I mean it is rather windy up at the top of the cliffs but you'd wouldn't expect quite such a dramatic growth of a tree. I think this picture works well in bold black and white. It makes it look really wintery and cold even though it was a beautiful and sunny autumn evening.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
'full english' by reya.
Do you eat breakfast? To be honest I never used to, I always preferred that little bit longer in bed. Plus eating food that early in the morning never really appealled to me. Since my daughter came along though I can't function unless I've had something to eat in the morning - usually cereal. One thing I can't imagine finding the space for first thing is a fried breakfast. Now, I love a good fry up but first thing in the morning - urgh, not sure I could stomach that. Unless I'm staying in a hotel that is! Then for some reason I hit the breakfast buffet at full speed!
This breakfast picture caught my attention firstly because it made me feel hungry but also I really liked the angle it was taken at. Much more interesting than taking it from above like many people capture plates of food. I bet not many shots were taken before the photographer tucked right in!
Friday, 9 December 2011
'339/365' by soulman53
I know "It's my blog and I'll post if I want to" but I do feel a bit bad about not posting very regularly at the moment. You see for me this is meant to be a pretty much daily blog but that little thing called life has once again been inconsiderately getting in the way. I have been having a good week though which is included my 20 week baby scan and a rather fun Christmas party. Lots of other fun stuff coming up in the run up to Christmas too. In fact I can't believe Christmas is only a couple of weeks away now. This means I must try and find some beautiful festive photos to share with you, and try and take some of my own. This year's personal challenge is to try and get some lovely ones of fairy lights.
In the mean time though, here is a wonderful picture of one of my favourite places - Brighton. I just love the light of that beautiful morning sky. And even though it was taken this month it doesn't look that cold. In fact it makes me want to go an take a stroll on the pier right now. Perhaps with a an extra few layers on though. And a hat. And a scarf. And a few pairs of gloves!
Happy weekend everyone!
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
'December sunset' by Me
I have been waiting to take a lovely sunset picture for a while and I think I finally managed it. My daughter and I were snuggled up together watching a Chipmunks film when I spotted this sky out of the window. As much as I was enjoying the cuddles I leapt up, grabbed the camera and took a few shots. My daughter wanted to know what I was looking at and she agreed that the sky was indeed very beautiful. I think that the trees at the bottom finish this picture of perfectly and I'm really pleased with this shot.
Monday, 5 December 2011
'Fells Point, Baltimore - shiny door detail' by karma (Karen)
Happy Monday everyone! I was meant to post this weekend but we were so busy with various friends and family visiting I just didn't get the chance. Not to mention I didn't have the energy. Entertaining is a tiring business, especially when you are 19 weeks pregnant.
This is just one of those photos where I can't really say why I like it - I just do. I love it when people can see beauty in the every day things around them. And this also demonstrates how you don't even have to see the sky or the surrounding area to know that it was a bright sunny day when this was taken. Well it looks like it was anyway!
Hope your week has started well. If not then don't worry, only four days until the weekend!
Friday, 2 December 2011
'B42094_26' by Fredrik Lundén
As it's been so cold today I thought I'd end the day with a beautiful warm sunset. This photo has such a peaceful vibe. I wish I could be sitting there right now. It makes me think that it was taken at the end of a gorgeous hot day. The light is wonderful and the focus works so well. In fact the burred background makes it feel even more warm and tranquil.
Happy weekend everyone!
Thursday, 1 December 2011
'christmas balls' by anna yuson
Well what do you know, it's the first day of December. Christmas really is on its way now. I am pleased how organised I've been. Most of my presents have been bought and wrapped and most of my cards have been bought and written. I'm very sure I'll still be rushing around at the last minute for something I've forgotten though!
Today's post was inspired by Homebird who said she loved pictures of fairy lights and anything with a bokeh effect. Here is a lovely bokeh, fairy light, Christmassy photo. I love it because it's sparkly and pretty. I like that it's a very pink picture but also manages to still be Christmassy even though pink isn't really a traditionally festive colour. And of course because there's a reflection I'm getting right up close to the screen to see what's going on the background.
Happy 1st December to you all.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
'Winter leaves' by Me
Two weeks ago I posted a photo of some beautiful autumn leaves while out for a walk. I found all the different shades of autumn colours so beautiful it was impossible not to stop and take a few shots. Anyway, yesterday I walked past that very same tree and this is how it looked. What a difference two weeks makes. The leaves are still beautiful in their own way but doesn't it look much more cold and wintery in this picture? I must make sure I go back in another two weeks to see what the tree is like. I am guessing it'll be bare branches by then.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
'A piece of my world' by Kursiv
This time last year it snowed. And it wasn't just a spinkling of snow it was the proper thick stuff. A little part of me hoped it would snow early again this year - I think because my daughter is so excited at the prospect - but in reality I'd rather it stayed away until after Christmas. December is always such a busy time and I don't want to spend it worrying about whether things are going to have to be cancelled due to the weather. I wouldn't mind a little snow in January though. After all we've finally forked out on proper snow boots for each of us and of course I really need to get some pretty snowy photos.
Here is an extremely pretty snowy photograph. In fact 'pretty' is the wrong word really because I think it's truly stunning. It's the beautiful light that does it for me. It makes me want to squeal a little in delight. And look at the perfect freshly fallen snow. I wonder how long it stayed like that for.
Monday, 28 November 2011
'Gingerbread house - before' by Me
An impulse buy at the supermarket this weekend let us to kick start Christmas in a yummy way this evening. We bought a build your own gingerbread house kit and it was actually rather a fun thing for us to do together as a family. I had to get a few pictures as soon as it was done of course as this didn't actually stay standing for long. Shortly after this photo was taken the demolition began. Mmmmm, gingerbread!! And we weren't too greedy - there's plenty left for us to tuck into tomorrow. I have a feeling we may have started a new Christmas tradition here. I can definitely see us doing this again next year!
Sunday, 27 November 2011
'oh what a beautiful morning' by pam ullman
Did you all have a lovely weekend? Ours was great. We caught up with friends yesterday which involved the best fry-up at their local cafe, followed by spending ages in the local playground. The men did the playing while us girls sat on a bench for a natter. And of course it meant I could watch my daughter playing with her daddy. I love that, just sitting and appreciating what a happy little girl she is. Then today was a bit of a relaxy day. We did a little bit of shopping but mostly spent time catching up with things round the house and doing a lot of crafts with the little one! I even had an afternoon nap. And I NEVER sleep during the day. Not that I haven't tried but my body just doesn't seem to want to switch off normally.
I chose this picture to share with you today as it seemed like a perfect relaxed Sunday image. It was taken just after sunrise apparently. What a beautiful start to the day and perfectly captured by the photographer.
Friday, 25 November 2011
'12/30' by kirstinmckee
I'm not usually a huge fan of blurriness in photos (except for really beautiful bokeh). I like images to be really sharp, crisp and clear. However, I love this picture. It's just one big blur but it's the sharpest, crispest blur ever. I hope one day I can take a night photo as amazing as this. Everything has been captured perfectly. London has so many opportunities for beautiful night photos. Personally I'm hoping to get some of this year's Oxford Street Christmas lights. Hoping I might get the chance in a few weeks.
Happy weekend folks. Hope you all have a lovely time whatever your plans are!
Thursday, 24 November 2011
'Bakery Style Cupcake 4' by Sweetapolita
When Designed by RJ said she was always happy to drool over baked goods and sweets I decided I was happy to oblige and provide her with some pretty cakes to drool over. My first stop had to be a photo from the Sweetapolita blog. This lady makes the most amazing cakes. I’d say they were almost too pretty to eat – almost. I’ve not tasted them obviously but if they taste half as good as they look then I imagine they’re pretty amazing.
And what’s just as fantastic are the photos she takes of the cakes. They are seriously stunning. For example the colour and focus in this one is spot on. You can see that this is a whole plate of yummy cakes but it’s all about that one cake at the front. I want to dive right in and eat that one now.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
'Fly Away Home' by Hueystar
A little Christmas update... All the presents we bought this weekend are now wrapped. I thought I'd attempt a wrapping session this afternoon with my three year old and amazingly she didn't get bored and we had great fun together. I love the fact that she's excited about the presents we're giving other people and it's not just about what she wants and might be getting.
This isn't a Christmassy photo, I thought I'd save them for the time being, but it did make me go "wow"! The compostion is awesome. Love how the birds were flying by at exactly the right moment. The subject of the picture is adorable. How lovely for the mother and child to be taking a stroll down to the sea on such a beautiful evening. And talking of evening - that is one beautifully captured sunset.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
'Up and away' by Me
I think it's going to snow soon. It has to, there's no other reason for this really mild autumn other than luring us into a false sense of security. Just as we let our guard down... bam... there comes the snow! Fingers crossed though if it does snow I can have a big photo session as I've not actually taken many this month. Therefore here's another one from my trip to Beachy Head watching the paragliders. I am pleased with this because it's so bold and bright and I always love a clear blue sky like that.
Monday, 21 November 2011
'Globule' by Dan in Marseille
Hello again. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We had a rather productive one as we managed to get most of our Christmas shopping done. And it wasn't too stressful as the shops weren't even that busy. I have been feeling super organised this Christmas - I even thought I might start writing my Christmas cards now which is very early for me. Perhaps it some kind of pregnancy nesting thing!
Hope you've also had a good Monday. Here is a photo that I thought would make a rather fun start to the week. It's a fantastic capture. It's hard not to smile at the look on that fish's face!
Friday, 18 November 2011
'Winter trees' by Zenon Lisztwan
I promised you another fantastic wintery photo this week and here it is. Isn't it amazing? It looks like a proper enchanted forest. The angle at which it was taken makes the trees look even taller than I imagine they were. Also perfect in this picture is the sun peeping through the trees. And you've just got to love that rich blue sky. It's hard to feel cold and miserable in the snow when there's a beautiful sky like that.
Wishing you all a happy and warm weekend!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
'White Chocolate Mocha' by cheska annelliese.
I think this photo is wonderful. It's just a cup of coffee on a windowsill but the light is totally perfect. And what makes this extra special are the leaves leaves scattered round it. A lovely autumn picture which warms me up a treat. Of course I'm pretending it's hot chocolate in there as I can't stand coffee. Bleugh, horrible stuff! It's one of those things that I can't even pretend to like to be polite. But don't worry my mum always said that I'd like coffee (and tea, as I don't drink that either) when I grow up. Therefore, I may be in my 30s but I am officially not grown up yet! That's kinda cool!
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
'Autumn leaves' by Me
I'm always disappointed I never take enough nice autumn photos but whilst walking home yesterday I spotted the most beautiful tree and had to stop to take a few pictures. There were so many wonderful yellows, greens and browns it was hard to pick which image was my favourite but I think this one is it. I really want to go out again now and take some more pretty leaf pictures before they all fall off and winter is upon us.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
'walk away' by gato-gato-gato
A big thank you to those of you who gave me some suggestions for photos. I must admit I've felt a little inspired and have enjoyed searching for some beautiful images to show you. The first photo is a lovely wintery one as requested by SAHMlovingit. I actually have two I want to share with you so you'll have another one to make you feel all frosty later in the week.
I love this one because the scenery is stunning. I love all that unspoiled snow. Although it feels good I actually feel rather sad being the first to step in fresh snow. It's so lovely when it snows at night and it's just sitting there looking pretty. I find it a shame that in a few hours all the cars and people will have trampled all over it making it icy and slushy.
Anyway, my very favourite bit of this photo is the people in it. Seriously, how far must they have walked? And what about the photographer himself? Was he just out for an afternoon stroll in the snow? That's dedication to get the perfect photo.
Now time to make a hot chocolate and warm up!!
Sunday, 13 November 2011
'Vintage Ornaments on White Christmas Tree' by charlie3engineer
I'm actually getting rather excited about Christmas already which is rare for me as I don't generally feel festive until December. This year though I've been excited since the beginning of November. I am blaming two things. Firstly Pinterest! It's full of pretty Christmas images and I want my house to look that pretty this year! And secondly, this is the first year my daughter had totally "got" Christmas and it's so magical. She currently compiling and present wish list and is busy rehearsing for her pre-school nativity.
Anyway, because of my festive mood I thought I'd show you a sneaky Christmas photo. I love this because of all the pretty colours. Definitely the loveliest collection of ornaments ever. And what really makes this picture special is the the light shining through from behind making the whole thing just shine.
That's it, I won't mention the 'C' word until December now.... Well, I'll try not to.
Friday, 11 November 2011
'Want one?' by MarcelGermain
What are you doing reading this? I want you over on my previous post leaving me some ideas for photos you'd like to see on here. Go on, you know you want to help a tired, uninspired, pregnant lady in need. Sob sob.
Oh and as for this gorgeous photo... I'm bribing you with chocolate. Doesn't it just show off these chocolates just perfectly? Really well lit and I love the bright white background. No fuss, just chocolate.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
'L O S T D R E A M S O N W A X' by *r3M'S*
I really am so tired at the moment and have found I’m lacking a little in motivation and inspiration for my blog, therefore I’ve decided to throw the floor open to you lovely readers again. What would you like to see photos of on here? I did this a little while ago and it was interesting to see what kind of things you love to look at. So come on do tell. What kind of photos would you like me to show you? I’d love to hunt out something just for you to make you smile.
And I'm featuring this photo today just because it's pretty darn amazing. I don't know how this was taken but... wow, it's effective. And if the subject itself isn't awesome enough then add together the great colour tones and you've got yourself an truly spectacular photograph!
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
'Balloons' by Me
It’s been a while since I announced I was pregnant so I thought it was time for a little update on how things are going. I’m nearly 16 weeks now and still have morning sickness but it’s not too bad. In fact I’d say it was just getting tedious. But that’s a good thing. My morning sickness when pregnant with my daughter was soul destroying and miserable for the whole nine months.
And excitingly I finally have a little bit of a bump. Although to be honest nobody’s really going to notice because it’s nearly winter and I’m wearing coats and big jumpers at the moment. It’s rather annoying actually because most of my maternity clothes from first time round are quite redundant. I lost a little bit of weight recently so the trousers I wore before are all too big for me now. The tops fit fine but because I was pregnant in the summer before I just have lots of little t-shirts which aren’t going to be much use over the next few months. I guess perhaps it’s an excuse to go shopping. Don’t want to spend a fortune on maternity clothes but I have bought some lovely pairs of jeans which are so comfy. As I live in jeans these days I thought a few comfy pairs were an absolute must.
And talking of shopping I don’t think we’ve done any whatsoever for the baby yet. We’ve realised that we pretty much have everything we need already except for a buggy. We need a new one of those as our original one got broken. No idea where to start though as I’m really looking for the perfect one.
Anyway, I could go on but I am sure you’re keen to see a photo of some kind. Well here’s one I took of some of the balloons we’ve had kicking around the house lately. We’ve got so many left over from birthday celebrations and from Halloween. Seems a shame to pop them and I don’t think my daughter would be impressed. I think we may have to discretely let a few go soon though!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
'happy last day of summer!' by hannah * honey & jam
I'm showing you a photo tonight that I think is really lovely. It's just a simple collection of plants picked from the garden but I think they look so pretty put together like that. I really love the colours here. The yellow and green are so fresh and summery. And of course the light is wonderful. I thought now would be a nice time to look at this as it's finally starting to turn wintery here now. The scarves and gloves are now out.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
'Disney - The Wonderful World of Color - In Black & White - Wishes (Explored)' by Express Monorail

Disney - The Wonderful World of Color - In Black & White - Wishes (Explored), a photo by Express Monorail on Flickr.
My husband and I love going to see an organised firework display on Fireworks Night. In fact we've pretty much been to one somewhere every year we've been together. However, this year my daughter's been saying for weeks how she hates fireworks and doesn't want to go. Fair enough I guess. The playing fields we usually go to see them at are very dark and for a little child could be very intimidating. She loved it the first year we went but last year she got all upset and we had to leave. Anyway, we respected her fears and stayed away tonight. So.... how come her and I spent the evening looking out of the window looking at the all the neighbours fireworks? And why after she went to bed was she still getting excited about them? Aparently she loves fireworks now! Oh well, roll on next year!
Here is a surprisingly stunning firework photo. I say surpising because you really wouldn't expect a black and white photo to be very interesting. Surely fireworks are all about the colours. However, this is excellent and the lack of colour makes it all the more striking. In fact I don't think this photo would have made nearly as much impact in colour.
Hope you've been having a nice (and safe) fireworks night.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
''Snow Day!', United States, New York, New York City, Snow Day' by WanderingtheWorld

'Snow Day!', United States, New York, New York City, Snow Day, a photo by WanderingtheWorld (www.LostManProject.com) on Flickr.
Well it's turned a bit rainy but all in all the weather's been behaving itself here. I'm actually finding it quite mild still. I'm sure by November I'm usually in scarf and gloves. However, I have heard that winter will probably be here by the end of the month. I guess that means we may even get snow in November again like we did last year. For some reason I'm quite looking forward to the snow this year. I've no idea why. It'll just cause chaos on the roads and panic buying in the shops. Perhaps my daughter's excitement about snow is rubbing off on me. She got new snow boots at the weekend and has been asking me constantly since when it's going to snow!
I totally love this snowy photograph. It's such a bright and lively image. I like how there's so much going on. It shows people getting with their day trying to carry on as normal dispite the snow. The detail in the snow is great too. I can almost feel the crunch underfoot of someone walking over it. The HDR effect on this also works so well. It makes the photo look so crisp (like the weather). I almost feel like I'm there right now.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
'Autumn bike ride' by Me
I am getting old! This afternoon my daughter and I were looking at photos of me on a school trip when I was about 17 years old. She saw a photo of me and asked, "Is that you when you were younger?". "Yes" I replied. Then she delivers the killer line, "Was that in olden times?" Errr..... Yes... I guess it was... Sob sob.
Oh well, I may as well accompany this post with a cute photo of my little girl. It was a special moment as it was the first time she went out on her new bike! As a proud mummy I took lots of photos and made lots of little videos. It's this one that I think is the most artistic though as I love the beautiful colours of the leaves. I bet one day she'll be telling her children this was taken in olden days!
Monday, 31 October 2011
'Witchy Duck' by Sofia Katariina
It's Halloween! Hope you've all been having a spooky time today. I've noticed a lot more people this year dressing up and doing halloweeny things. It's almost like Halloween is becoming a proper national holiday. Not a lot of dressing up has gone on in this household though as my daughter's decided she doesn't like dressing up any more. However, she did wear halloween socks and I've got black nail varnish on so we're joining in a bit!
This is a fun halloween photo. I love the bright contrasting colours. The best bit is definitely the duck's eyes. I love how it's looking up at the hat as if to say 'what the heck is that on my head?' Happy Halloween everyone!!
Sunday, 30 October 2011
'Under the pier' by Me
Here's another photo from our lovely day trip to Eastbourne a few weeks ago. I have always wanted to take an under the pier shot and it was so accessible here that I just had to go under and take a few snaps. I love how there's so much going on. So many beams and legs holding it up. I guess there'd have to be really but when you're walking along a pier you don't really think about what's under it. I think this photo works best in black and white too. I think it looks dramatic and interesting.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
'San Francisco - Transamerica Pyramid' by GlobeTrotter 2000
San Francisco is one of the places in the world I really want to visit. It looks so vibrant and interesting there. This well observed picture was taken in San Francisco and I think it's really fascinating. I love the contrast of the two different types of architecture. Out of the two buildings I prefer the older one as it's far more gorgeous to look at. This photo is also rather clever as it makes the buildings look the same height. I am guess though that the pyramid one is much, much taller!
Friday, 28 October 2011
'Little Pumpkin With Fallen Orange Autumn Leaves' by D Sharon Pruitt

Little Pumpkin With Fallen Orange Autumn Leaves free creative commons, a photo by Pink Sherbet Photography on Flickr.
Well here ends our first half term at pre-school and you know what it’s been a wonderful week. My daughter and I have been really busy going out and about and also spending some quality time with each other. We also got to spend time with friends we don’t see as often as we used to simply because all our children are at different pre-schools at different times so our weekly timetables are just so different.
The highlight of the week must have been a trip to the local fire station. It was a really interesting visit and it’s always fun climbing in a fire engine and spraying water with huge hoses!
I picked this photo for you tonight as it’s just the most autumny, orangy, halloweeny photo I could find. What a fantastic burst of colour. I love those little pumpkins as they’re just really cute.
Hope whether you’ve been on half term or not you’ve had a great week and have an even more fantastic weekend.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
'Bangkok in a rainy day HDR' by fturoy
Well it rained lots today. I don't mind too much though. In general this autumn has been rather lovely weatherwise. It's been quite warm and dry really. I love that I haven't had any expectations for the weather when it come to autumn. I'll wear a jacket for example and be really pleased when it gets too warm and I have to take it off.
This is a fantastic rainy day photo. I love how the rain just looks relentless and so heavy but people are just carrying on as normal. I don't know much about the weather in Bangkok but I am presuming it was hot too when this was taken. The rain has been captured so well and I almost feel I should be putting my umbrella up. Great photo.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
'Four windows' by sollyth
This is one of those photos that I find hard to explain what exactly it is I like about it. I'm just some how drawn to it. I think the combination of the colours and the bright sunlight are great. I also want to know more about this building. What does the rest of it look like? What's the scenery around it like? I guess mostly though I just like being nosy. I am intrigued about what's in the apartments and who lives there. For example, what are those stickers on the windows? Is it a child's room? And what's that I can see in the window below? Is it a rolled up rug. So many unanswered questions. And I guess I have just explained what I like about this photo after all!
Monday, 24 October 2011
'Sleeping Beauty' by Me
I have a rather big announcement to make. I am pregnant! Baby number 2 should be arriving some time at the end of April. I’ve been dying to share this on my blog but decided to be good and wait until after my first scan. I must admit that even though it was very much planned the whole thing does still seem rather surreal. I can’t believe in six months I’ll have a newborn baby in my arms! I am very excited though and looking forward to becoming a family of four.
If you’ve been following my blog for a while you may have noticed that I’ve used this photo on here before. Apologies for this but it’s one of my favourites and I was having real difficultly trying to find a photo to accompany this post. I decided to use this one of my daughter as a baby again as I just love it and I know that when the new baby arrives it will have the camera pointed at it A LOT. I hope he or she doesn’t mind!
Sunday, 23 October 2011
'Birthday' by yuliaphoto
Just a quick post from me tonight. I've had a fantastic weekend celebrating my daughter's birthday but I must admit I'm now shattered. I've chosen this photo as our house is currently full of balloons and this is a fantastic balloon picture. I love all the bright colours and how the photographer has perfectly captured the texture of the balloons. I also noticed that this is my 500th blog post and that's got to be worth celebrating with a great big handful of balloons!!