I should not buy biscuits. If I buy biscuits then I'll eat them. And I mean all of them. On Wednesday I made the mistake of getting one of those family sized biscuit barrel packs. Thought it'd mean a bit of variety and they'd last a while. Well I can tell you now I've got myself a fair way through them already. I therefore thought the best thing to do would be to get the camera out. If I'm being arty with them I can't eat them. Turns out I really like the photos I took but it also meant there was a pretty arrangement of biscuits on a plate saying "Eat Me!"
Friday, 30 April 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010
'0015 Canary Wharf' by andy linden
I have been doing this blog for nearly four months now and can't believe I haven't yet featured a photo of London. It's a fantastic city and there are so many great photos I could post here. This one is great because Canary Wharf is a fabulous landmark. What makes this stand out though is the chimney in the foreground that shows it was taken in just an ordinary residential street. If I had a view like this from one of my windows I wouldn't be able to help being just a little bit excited. I will post some more awesome London photos soon.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
'Rudbeckia IV' by hiromisuzuki
I couldn't decide what to post today so I just went for a bright and happy and smiley and positive and lovely photo. Hope you are having a bright and happy and smiley and postive and lovely day!
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
'love letter' by buttonheart
How cute is this? I think we should all leave little notes like this for the ones we love. Whatever happened to letter writing anyway? I can't remember the last time I received a handwritten letter.
When we were children my sister and I used to write each other little letters and leave them under each other's pillows. Also my husband used to write me letters like this many years ago way before we were married (and when his handwriting was actually rather neat!). It's also rather scary to recall that I was at university before email became so popular and long, long before the delights of facebook! Therefore I kept in touch with many of my friends back home via letters. I have kept all of these treasures but I wouldn't be able to find anything so exciting in the depths of my email inbox.
Great photo, really simple but so lovely. I'd love to receive a cute love letter like this from my husband. In fact, I may even write one for him.
Monday, 26 April 2010
'grandpa pig's train' by jacquelinetinney
I am posting this today for my little girl. She is totally obsessed with Peppa Pig! It used to be all about 'In The Night Garden' but that's old news now. Now it's Peppa all the way! Seriously, shove an episode or two of that on and you have total peace and quiet!!
For those of you who haven't got a clue what I am going on about, Peppa Pig is a children's cartoon which is actually rather good! My favourite character is Daddy Pig though - he's funny! Anyway......
This photo made me smile! Anything Peppa Pig related makes me smile as I know it makes my daughter happy. I love the bright colours and how the shine has been captured so well on the the character's body. But most of all I love the speed. It looks like the toys have escaped from the toy box and are having a great time racing round the living room!
Sunday, 25 April 2010
'Garden Room' uploaded on flickr by Knitty, Vintage and Rosy
You know how I'd really love a beach hut - I know I may have mentioned it once or twice - well if I couldn't have one then this in my back garden would have to do! What a delightful place to relax on a summer afternoon. And you even have somewhere to hide should the rainy British weather strike!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
'Beach hut' by Me
It may still be April but it certainly felt like summer today. Therefore, let's get all summery with another beach hut photo. This is one of mine taken last summer in Littlehampton. I love the fantastic bright blue sky and I love the bright colours of the beach hut. Littlehampton has rows of identical beach huts like this and it's impossible to walk by and not take a few photos. I think I am definitely going to take another trip back there this summer.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
'Sweet Peach' by Andrea McClain
I have just realised that I've not bought any flowers yet this week. And I was doing so well making sure I always had fresh flowers in the house. It's also a bit silly of me because it's been so bright and sunny I could have taken some lovely flowery photos. I shall make sure I go buy some later.
In the meantime here is a lovely flower photo not taken by me. This looks like it was shot on a bright and sunny day like today. I really love this fantastic combination of colours. They look so striking against the white interior.
Right, I am inspired and will definitely buy flowers later.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
'Our family genes' by Wunderlusting
I love this. It's such a simple image but I really feel it's a photo bursting with love. And it's also annoying because it gave me one of those "Why didn't I think of that" moments! I guess I wouldn't have been able to take a photo like this anyway. It wouldn't be the same on my rather ordinary rotary washing line. I like the fact that this looks like it's the highest washing line in the world.
Monday, 19 April 2010
'89/365...' by {cindy}
In a previous blog post, which you can read here if you fancy, I said I really wanted to take a fantastic picture of a peacock this summer. Well this weekend I was lucky enough to see two. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. I had the camera poised and ready but would either of them open up their feathers for me. Like hell they would!! Therefore I am going to show you this awesome shot of a white peacock. Isn't it just such a stunning bird? And this photo makes it look so dreamy and angelic. I shall, however, carry on with my quest for my own great peacock photo.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
'Spring blossoms' by Me
It's been another beautiful weekend. At times I could have sworn it was the middle of August not the middle of April. We had a busy weekend. We went to the farm, a National Trust garden, did a little bit of shopping and a tiny drop of wine may have been consumed on Saturday night with some girl friends!
But of course all this sunshine meant the camera was out for most of the weekend. Got some lovely spring flower photos including the one above. Also got a few nice daffodil shots but I was amazed at how quickly they seem to be fading away.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend too and those of you with the photography bug got some fabulous photos.
Friday, 16 April 2010
'Up in sky 2.' by Marili I.
I am loving the lighter evenings as it's really transformed the end of the day. My daughter and I have been waiting for my husband to come home from work so we can all head out for a bit of stroll before bedtime. Sometimes we've just gone round the corner to the local shops, sometimes we take her out on her tricycle and sometimes, like today, we'll wander off to the park for a quick go on the swings and slide. Of course the camera comes too, but I have realised that although I have lots of shots of my little girl enjoying herself in the playground I haven't tried anything arty and creative. I am sure she won't mind if I make her go to the park again tomorrow so I can have a bit of a play with my camera!
The above photo is a perfect example of a creative shot taken of a swing. I am trying to decide whether my favourite bit is the lemon coloured skirt against the bright blue sky - the lovely yellow and blue combination that always works. Or whether I love those wispy white clouds more. Or whether it's the bare feet that make the photo. I'd actually say it's the combination of all of them that makes this a fantastic summer photo.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
'Man Bag' by Digger Digger Dogstar
Go on, admit it. You smiled when you saw this didn't you? I love pictures of faces found in unusual places because they always make me chuckle a little bit. This has got to be my favourite one yet. I'm not exactly sure why. Perhaps it's because I like bags so a happy bag is just perfect! Anyway, I just thought I'd share a bit of smiley fun with you. If you like what you see there is a whole blog devoted to Faces in Places. Go check it out!
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
'another match point' by bitzi☂
I think this is an fantastic macro shot. It really demonstrates how amazing and powerful photography can be. This photographer has taken something really mundane that you wouldn't think twice about and turned it into something stunning. The colours are so bold and I love how it is so crisp and clear. It just goes to show that you may not have fancy props, interesting models or beautiful scenery but you can still take an awesome photo.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
'{The call of the running tide}' by Doreen Kilfeather
I am featuring this photo simply because it's so dreamy and lovely. I love photos with these vintage tones. The shot is so natural and the girl looks like she's having a great day at the beach. You can tell by the reflection in the water that the sky is blue and her dress says it's lovely hot day. Another reason to say "Roll on summer".
Monday, 12 April 2010
'Summer leaves' by Me
Yesterday I promised you a lovely hot and sunny image. I think this one fits that description. It's one of mine taken in August last year. I was in a garden taking lots of flower photos but happened to look up and see some beautiful leaves worth photographing too. Hope that's warmed you up a little.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Curzon Park South in the snow' by Mark Carline
With all the talk of fantastic weather and the celebration of spring finally arriving I thought I would be a bit random tonight and post a photo of the snow. Do you remember that stuff we were moaning about not so long ago? Well in the UK we were anyway! We can look back on it with romantic eyes now. Was it really that bad and inconvenient?
For me this photo captures that excitement of when it falls for the first time at night and you run outside like big kids to have a look. It looks so peaceful and beautiful but you know that by morning the roads will be dangerous and icy, public transport will come to a stand-still and the local shop will have sold out of bread and milk.
I'll make sure I warm you up in my next post with a lovely hot and sunny image!
Saturday, 10 April 2010
'Spring is in the air' by Craft & Creativity
Why doesn't my kitchen look this pretty? The colours are just so lovely and happy. It makes me think that whatever this person cooks it tastes delicious and they never make a mess when cooking either! I can't imagine stacks of washing up waiting to be done either. This photo is great because it's just a small portion of the kitchen but it really make me want to see the rest of it.
Friday, 9 April 2010
'Father and daughter stroll on the beach' by Me
My husband, my daughter and I went to Brighton today and had an absolutely fantastic day! The sun was shining and we walked for miles, shopped for pretty things, ate nice food and played on the beach. I also took LOTS of photos. It was a perfect day!
So here is one of the photos that I love for obvious reasons. I am already planning my next trip down. I have no idea why we don't go more often! I shall post some more of today's photos soon (including beach huts in Hove - yay!).
Thursday, 8 April 2010
'An afternoon at the beach hut' by lissyloola
Beach huts never fail to make me smile. I love the colours of course but I also love what they represent. They are just small spaces that are exclusively used for chilling out in front of the sea. That is just the most wonderful thing! I want one!!!
I love this photo because it really captures what I've been trying to say above. It's so laid back and relaxed and I especially like the fact that the woman has a camera sitting on the chair - just in case!! I never like to have a camera too far away from me either. You just never know when something will need photographing and when sitting on the beach that could happen quite a lot.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
'Citrus Lime Splash' by markmyshots
Alright then, so I won't talk about how lovely the weather is any more. Today wasn't summery, or springy, in fact it was perhaps rather wintery outside. But I believe the weather forecast when it says the next few days will be lovely!
So to change the subject completely...... Isn't this the most refreshing photo you have seen in a long time? I love the colour of the lime and the fact the water is just so clear! And I think the way the water splashing out of the glass has been captured is just fantastic. I really want to take some splashing water photos myself but just can't imagine they would turn out as good as this.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
'pink' by Newgreen_Fotosintesis
Just had to feature this stunning photo tonight. It's just perfect. The light, colours, the focus - all wonderful.
I hope you had a lovely long weekend and if you were back at work today it wasn't too much of a shock to the system. The weather was gorgeous here. I just hope it sticks around for a while. It's definitely spring now, in fact dare I say it, I even felt rather summery today!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
'Daffodils' by Me
Happy Easter!! I hope you've been having a wonderful day and have been able to spend it with the people you love.
I thought I'd post a picture I took of spring flowers. I like it because I think the black background makes it looks rather dramatic. Most spring flower photos I've seen use much brighter colours.
I was also rather impatient taking this photo. I knew if I waited another day all the flowers would be open but the light was right and I really wanted to put some daffodil shots on flickr. I think it worked well though as the one full open flower in the front looks rather effective.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
'Creme egg 2' by Pickle09
I love this because it's so gooey and messy - just like Creme Eggs really are. It's such a creative photo and the red background works really well. I wonder how many Creme Eggs got eaten to create this perfect shot. And I also wonder how hard it was to stop sticky fingers getting all over the camera. Or is it just mucky old me that makes a complete mess when eating one of these?
Thursday, 1 April 2010
'I like lots of pillows when I sleep...' by nbklx17 (Sandy)

I like lots of pillows when I sleep..., originally uploaded by nbklx17 (Sandy) - Almost Back Full-time.
This bed just looks so comfy. I bet whoever just got up had a good night's sleep. I love the title of this photo too. Like the photographer I too sleep with too many pillows. I know it's probably bad for my neck but I love a big pile of pillows and a really thick snuggly duvet. I had the best pillow when I was pregnant. It was really long which meant I could wrap my arms and legs round it and rest my bump on it. It was the only way I could get vaguely comfortable. I think my husband was jealous though and wanted one too!
But back to the photo. I love how the photographer has captured the light through the window as you get the feeling of a beautiful morning. I think the whole image looks really relaxed and natural. I bet when they'd finished taking the photo they jumped back in bed for an extra half an hour!