Wednesday, 5 May 2010

'Wood for the fire' by Me

Wood for the fire, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I am getting much braver with my camera. I don't know why, but I sometimes I feel a little bit shy when I am out and about taking photos. Like I'm not allowed to be taking pictures in public or something. This was taken on a brave day. We were at a National Trust place and there was a second hand book sale on in one of rooms in the garden. I couldn't resist taking some pictures of the books as they looked so vintage and cool. Turns out though that this snap I took on my way out was much better than any of the book photos.


  1. Brave Girl!
    Honestly, sometimes I am also too shy to trigger :-D

    Nice shot by the way :-)



  2. Funny isn't it how we (you & I) feel like we shouldn't be taking photos in public. I think I just don't like people looking at me. :)

  3. Same here, I always feel like I'm not supposed to take pictures in public! How funny.

  4. I was at this amazing corner store the other day STRAIGHT out of 1952, complete with the decorations and the woman who owned it. I desperately wanted to take her portrait out the front and yet found myself walking away without asking. I have regretted it since...

  5. My Dad used to chop wood for the fire when I was very young (oh about 2 years ago only lol) and he stacked it up at the fireplace just like that photo :D Jen.

  6. I totally know how you feel. Like I'm doing something wrong... *lol* And it's so silly!

  7. Yay, it's not just me who can be a bit of a shy photographer!

  8. Soon you will be asking strangers to pose. The first time is the hardest. It gets easier.

  9. To be honest, I'm also shy in public, I thought I was the only one with this problem. But I'm pushing myself to take more and more photo's in public.

    Nice photo, that's the reason I never delete a photo before seeing it on my laptop!


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