Wednesday, 24 March 2010

'A perfect combination' by Me

A perfect combination, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I bought some flowers today. I have decided that I am going to buy flowers for my home every week. They brighten up the house so much and it means I'll always have something pretty to photograph. They don't even have to be expensive. The bunch I got today was rather small and sad looking. In fact the shop assistant wasn't going to sell them to me as they were passed their 'display until' date! In the end the manager sold them to me for 50p. So glad I got them as this is one of the photos I took. There is another photo I really like but can't decide which one I prefer. The other one is here - what do you think?


  1. I really like both of them! What a great idea to buy fresh flowers, I think I am going to start doing that :)

  2. I love this one here that you've posted! the landscape layout is better .... and your cropping is bang on!

    whenever the lighting is right, you've got a winner...and my dear, this one is grand!

    love the flowers and the deal you got is awesome! my hubby just brought me more flowers's been a steady stream, and it really does make the house shine!

    happy snapping!
    ciao bella

  3. Fabulous! I like this one better...but the other was great too - it was just, you know, looking at me....

  4. I love buying fresh flowers for the house. I do it almost every week, sometimes they will even last two weeks! I don't spend much either and break up the bunch to scatter around the house. It is so refreshing to walk into a room that has flowers.

    I love both your images and like different aspects from each image. I like the way the camera lense on your blog image isn't directly facing the viewer. BUT I like the arrangement of the flowers better in the Flicker image. Lovely concept and who wouldn't like fresh flowers and cameras!? Two of my favorite things!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I look forward to visiting yours often. :)

    Best wishes,

  5. This photo is truly amazing!! Sometimes I wish I was a photographer!!! Thanks for your sweet comment!!!! xo's Kristin

  6. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on this photo.

  7. I think it's a lovely idea to buy flowers once a week for your home. I too just bought some flowers...a mixture and then made a bunch of arrangements with it. Have a wonderful weekend. ♥


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