I can't believe it's been over a week since I last blogged. The most I've ever neglected this place before has been a couple of days so this is a very long time for me. There's no reason for my absence other than life has got in the way. I've been so busy with various things including learning to crochet, my little boy having his first birthday and a short holiday away to celebrate (the birthday not the crochet).
Anyway, I can't stop long as too many things to do so here is a really brilliant and bold picture to slap you round the face and remind you I am not far away. I'll be back soon with some of my own pictures from my break away.
Monday, 29 April 2013
'57' by _FullMoon
Saturday, 20 April 2013
'London Calling' by colinfindlay
This time last week I was making my way home from a fabulous night out in London. I can't believe I didn't take single photo whilst I was there. Not even a quick snap on my mobile phone. I think this was probably due to the weather be so damm awful that day. I got seriously soaked and was less than impressed when the dye from the tote bag I was carrying transferred on to me new white handbag. Oh well who was I kidding buying white!
Anyway, as I didn't manage any photos here's a lovely photo that I saw and loved by someone else. I love how the photographer has managed to capture that wonderful early evening light. I would have loved this shot even without the person in it but it does make it more interesting. It of course makes me wonder who she is calling and what the evening has in store for her.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
Friday, 19 April 2013
'Instagram sunshine' by Me
Today has been milestone kind of a day for my children. Firstly, my daughter got into the school we wanted. It was her catchment school so in theory we should have got it but you never can be sure. Anyway, stress over, she's in and she can't wait to start. So that's it then, she's all grown up and I have to make sure I enjoy every second I get with her at home this spring and summer before she's away from me all day five days every week.
Also my son has been a bit of a superstar because his walking is getting so good. Only trouble is he's very selective about when he does it. He basically seems to walk for biscuits. If you show him the biscuit tin he will walk across the whole room unaided to get to it. If you want him to walk over to you for a hug however, he'll just do a few steps then fall over. Oh well at least I know he can do it!
My children are growing so fast so I am trying to take as many pictures of them as I can. Instagram is a great help in capturing those little every day moments like this one. My little boy playing in the beautiful morning sunshine.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
'108 | 365 fancy floss' by nanaCompany
I couldn't wait until my children went to bed tonight as I really wanted to have another little practice of my crochet. I am really loving it and my works looks pretty neat, I am just hoping I can start to do it a little bit quicker as time goes on. I would love to be able to knock up a granny square in just ten minutes! Also tonight I watched a sewing programme called "The Great British Sewing Bee" so I am feel quite crafty right now. Actually I am now wondering how quickly I can get off the computer and get back to my hook and yarn.
Let me just leave you with this lovely crafty photograph. These threads are obviously nothing to do with crochet but they are so pretty I still had to share. I love all these colours. If they were mine I'd just want to sit and look at them for hours!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
'Crochet project - final stage!' by islandgirlsj
I am very happy right now as this evening I finally fulfilled my long standing ambition to learn to crochet. I admitted that I was never going to be able to teach myself so went with a couple of friends to a class. I didn't exactly do a lot but I learned the basics and the small about of crochet I did looked very neat. I must now make sure I find time to practice before next week's lesson.
And this photo here is my inspiration. I really want to be able to be able to whip up a few granny squares of an evening so I can eventually make some kind of big blanket.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
'Untitled' by Lemon2
I have spent this evening handwriting thank you letters for birthday gifts. I went out last night with a group of really good friends in London and felt totally spoiled when I was given some lovely birthday presents. One of those gifts was a letter writing set. This inspired me and even though I've already thanked everyone face to face I though I would send everyone a hand written note as well. It's always lovely to receive something in the post that isn't a bill or something official and because everyone emails these days it rare to get an actual letter. I hope this will make everyone smile a little.
I was looking for an appropriate image to use with this post about letter writing and I was instantly drawn to this postbox photograph. I love turquoise and red together. Such a striking combination of colours. In fact thinking about it my new stationery is turquoise and dark pink so rather similar!
I hope you've had a fantastic weekend too.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
'Brighton Pier' by Me
Well my birthday came and went and so far 36 hasn't been too bad. I still have no grey hair and the wrinkles are minimal. We celebrated with a day out in Brighton. I did a spot of shopping, we had a lovely lunch at Jamie's Italian and the rain held off so we could for a walk on the pier and of course take a few piccies.
Other than all the lovely family photos we took here is my favourite picture of the day. I'm always making a point of trying to get cool dramatic shots of West Pier but this time I thought it was Brighton Pier's turn. I think this image is rather cool and quiet dramatic too.
Monday, 8 April 2013
'IKEA Vases' by Katherine Lynn
Today we went to Ikea which always makes me smiley. I know to many it's a chore but for me, and lucky for my hubby as well, it's a day out. We didn't have much to pick up today, just a few bits and bobs but we still spent ages there. As usual I bought a huge pile of napkins. This evening I tidied what now appears to be the dedicated napkin cupboard. I think I have enough to last us a whole now. Well until we go to Ikea again anyway.
I didn't think a photo of a huge pile of napkins would be particularly interesting so here's a lovely picture of some Ikea vases. I love the beautiful softness of this. Perhaps I'll be picking up a few of these on our next visit too!
Saturday, 6 April 2013
'the end of the day' by pinkorchid_too (Sandra)
I am featuring this lovely photo today because it's of sleeping children and it seems kind of relevant. The clocks changed last weekend and we've also had lots of late nights due to being super busy this week. Because it's been the Easter holidays bed times and getting up hasn't really been an issue. I am, however, getting a bit concerned that at some point getting back into a routine might be necessary. Whilst it's been lovely the kids and I have been sleeping in until nearly 9 o'clock it's going to be really harsh when we have to start getting up again for the school run. Or perhaps I should be careful what I wish for - they might both wake up and be ready for the day at 5am tomorrow!
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
'Flickr flowers' by Me
Yesterday it felt like spring was finally going to arrive. It was still cold but also very sunny and the sunshine kind of felt like spring sunshine. I felt so springy in fact that I went out and bought flowers. See above - aren't they pretty? Anyway, turns out we were just being teased yet again. It was winter again today. It even snowed a tiny bit. How ridiculous! Hope you're all staying warm!
By the way, I called this photo 'Flickr flowers' as I realised they were the colours were the Flickr colours!
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
'Rosê' by Karen Crist
I can't believe it's April already. Even though it's felt like we're having the longest winter ever it also feels like this year is flying by. April is going to be an exciting month because my little boy will be turning one. I can't believe that either. It feels just like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. They say time goes by so much more quickly with your second child and I can confirm that is so very true. Also this month I shall be turning 36 which I must say I'm not so happy about. I've never minded birthdays or getting older before but 36 just seems wrong. It seems far too old for how I feel. 36 is a grown up age but I certainly don't feel like a proper grown up yet.
I have chosen to share this picture with you as it's just so springy and I love all the pretty colours. Fingers crossed spring reaches this part of the world in time for all the birthday celebrations!