Photo credit: PhotoPuddle on Flickr
So yesterday I ran my second half marathon and I have to say I loved it. I was so nervous beforehand as my training has been terrible but I was determined to give it my best shot. And it turned out to be an enjoyable race unlike the half marathon I did in September which nearly broke me! It was hard work obviously but I pootled along OK until about eleven miles when my legs just said "no more!". I decided to treat myself to a little walking break but my legs screamed at me even more and I could only manage to walk a few feet at a time before I had to run again. Anyway, I managed to conquer those last two miles and was so proud of myself as I crossed the finish line with a new PB that knocked 15 minutes of my last half marathon time. And the best bit is featured in the photo above. The best medal ever. It's right heafty old thing with the a bright pink quality ribbon. I wore it most of yesterday and even put it on again today just to check it still fitted! I hope you all had a fab weekend too.