Saturday 3 March 2012

'D'oh, nut.' by i eaт sтars

D'oh, nut. by i eaт sтars
D'oh, nut., a photo by i eaт sтars on Flickr.

I thought this would be a perfect photo to share with you tonight considering how many sweet treats we've had in our house over the past couple of days. My daughter and I had friends over to our house on Friday so I got some gingerbread men and dinky doughnuts in as a treat. Thing is other people then turned up with cakes too so we also ended up with two swiss rolls and a fresh cream victoria sponge! Yum! And the sugar rush didn't end there. We had friends come and help us with some stuff at home today and to say thanks we got them a 12 pack of Krispy Kreme doughnuts which are definitely the best kind!

Anyway, if all that talk of cake hasn't made you hungry just check out this yummy photo. I bet this doughnut didn't last for long after this picture was taken. My favourite thing about this though has to be the light as it's so bright and beautiful and so well captured.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

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