Sunday 4 March 2012

'You can never have too many' by Me

My Converse habit seems to have got rather out of hand as I now own five pairs. They are rather cool though and I do wear them all. I think because I'm pregnant and missed out on wearing all the fabulous sparkly skyscraper heels that were about this Christmas I am filling the void another way. At least Converse are practical and do get worn practically every day.

Converse shoes also make a great subject for photos. I've seen so many lovely photos by other people and I love taking pictures of mine too. This one shows my whole collection. It was fun trying to find different ways to arrange them. Oh and in case you were wondering, I think I've got my sights on a navy blue pair next!


  1. I Love This! But I'm also wondering how long you'll be able to tie those laces in your condition:-) You could always put elastic instead of laces if it gets too tough!

    1. Still tying my laces at the moment but may have to have a good think about the elastic idea!

  2. So with you on this one! Mine have lasted me for years and I love it when they look a little beat up. "You can never have too many" is right! I only own one black and one blue, but I'm on my way to more.

    1. Yeah, I agree they definiteny have more character being a bit worn. You can see from the photo that the green pair is my newest as they still look very clean!

  3. How are you managing with the laces being pregnant? I can barely get in my boots at the moment which require no laces.
    I'm impressed :)

    1. Ha ha! Doing OK with the laces for the moment although I do have to bend my leg and kind of tie them sideways!

  4. I am glad to have found your blog. As a photographer I have drifted a bit into writing- I have decided I need to re-focus.. ha- :-) on photography- So glad to have found your place. I think I may need to go out and get a pair of converse sneakers. Great shot.

  5. Hi teri! So pleased you have enjoyed looking at my blog. Hope you can find some inspiration here. And hope you get a fab pair of converse shoes too!

    1. :-) I was told that I am too old for converse by my 28 year old son... he was joking--I think.

    2. No!! This Converse style is a classic one. I doubt you could ever be too old for them!!
