Thursday 1 March 2012

'Droopy' by Me

Droopy by PhotoPuddle
Droopy, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

Well it's the first day of March and as far as I'm concerned that means it's spring time now! And the weather backed me up on this one as it was such a beautiful day. I just wish I wasn't feeling so achy at the moment as it would have been a perfect day for a lovely long walk in the sunshine.

I did make good use of the weather though by using the lovely light to take some pictures of the tulips my husband bought me the other day. I love how they go all droopy when they get a bit old so I thought I'd try and get a really beautiful droopy tulip picture. I'm really pleased with the results.

Happy spring everyone!


  1. Tulips are so pretty, perfect spring photo!

  2. Lovely! It was a beautiful day yesterday - was so lovely to be out in just a t-shirt (and jeans obviously - I wasn't just wearing a t-shirt hehe) and enjoy some warmth. Looks like another nice one today x

    1. Yep, it's looking like a good day so far. And I'm now thinking how comfy it would be if we could walk around in just a t-shirt all day. Trousers are so uncomfy these days.
