Friday 8 April 2011

'Candy in the sky' by halflatte

Candy in the sky, originally uploaded by halflatte.

Happy weekend everyone. Hope you have lots of lovely things planned for the next two days. The beautiful weather is still here and I'm hoping it can manage to stick around a while longer. I think a trip to the beach or maybe a barbecue might be in order.

I wanted to show you a photo tonight that was colourful and summery. I like this one because it is indeed colourful and summery. I also love how it manages to have subtle vintage tones whilst at the same time being having bright and striking colours.


  1. Love this, I could happily have it on my wall. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine :D

  2. Oh... hope you had a great weekend! A BBQ sounds so good right now!

    Btw - this is a lovely picture. Very inspiring as I'm thinking of doing a vintage circus theme for Nathan's 1st birthday :) I might just use this image as inspiration!

  3. A vintage circus theme would be so much fun. It's great to hear this photo inspired you!
