Thursday 7 April 2011

'Clothes peg' by Matt Gypps

Clothes peg, originally uploaded by Matt Gypps.

Today was such a beautiful day. Seriously, it could have been July out there and not the beginning of April. I hope this nice weather sticks around at least for a little while as it has been such a mood lifter. The hot and sunny weather also meant I could hang my washing on the washing line and it would actually get dry!

That leads me on to this rather lovely photo. It is such a simple idea but just so well done. In fact I am not entirely sure what it is about this picture that I love. Probably just how bright and crisp it is. I've tried the pegs on the washing line shot before but it's never turned out anywhere near as amazing as this. Who'd have though pegs could be so beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. There's something about clothes pins that bring me back to my memories of childhood. Great photo, you're absolutely right - it's just so simple.
