Sunday 10 April 2011

'The summer wind came blowing in...' by michaelab311

Well, what a simply perfect weekend. The weather has remained beautiful so we did have that trip to the beach and also the first barbecue of the year. My husband and I even managed to squeeze in a dinner date. At a lovely restaurant. Just us two. How totally fantastic!

This photo is just so summery and it whisks you away to a place far far away. The bright white material against the blue sky just looks so pure. I think I can actually feel that summer breeze on me right now and I must say it is rather relaxing.


  1. I agree... I can almost feel the breeze!

  2. A trip to the beach and barbecue sound really nice! I guess I have to wait until June before I go to the beach here in Norway :)
    Nina x

  3. Wow, beautiful blog. Just been flicking through the archives. Quite addictive! Thanks for dropping by my blog. X

  4. This is so lovely! I've heard you have had some wonderful weather and many people are already cooking out there – fantastic! Hope you are well. xo – g
