Sunday 23 January 2011

'Girls Night Out in Vegas' by TJ Scott

Girls Night Out in Vegas, originally uploaded by TJ Scott.

Hello to you all. Hope you had a fantastic weekend - I know I did. I had a fab night out with the girls last night. A very nice meal then off to dance the night away! I do love a good boogie.

I thought this fantastic photo was a great one to represent our night out. Although to be fair I don't think we looked exactly like that. For a start it was flippin' freezing so we all had our big winter coats on outside! I also love it because it was taken in Las Vegas which is a place I'd love to visit. I'm not particuarly interested in gambling or the big shows or anything else that the place is famous for I am just curious to see a place that is so unreal. Have any of your been? What was it like?

And stay tuned folks because tomorrow I'm going to share with you another awesome photo of a place I'd really like to visit.


  1. Ooo, what lovely colours. Glad you have a great night out, and a dance! Yay! :)

  2. Great photo, glad you had a good night out. I think I must be due one soon as I haven't been out dancing since my birthday!

  3. what a beautiful photo, the mixture of colour, light and silhouettes.
    will pop back tomorrow.
