Friday 21 January 2011

'Joy and Jubilee' by Great Danes

Joy and Jubilee, originally uploaded by Great Danes.

As I type this it's so very nearly the weekend. I hope you've got lots of lovely things planned. In fact I hope your weekend is as happy and carefree as this photo is. Doesn't it just make you smile? Those daffodils are gorgeous and would have made a good picture on their own but the addition of the person twirling around is fabulous. And it goes without saying that red was definitely the best colour for the woman's top. A splash of red can really make a photo extra striking.


  1. I love LOVE daffodils! Got so excited the other day when I saw some poking through!

  2. That's a lovely picture! I'm very much looking forward to Spring arriving. I love daffodils! xx
