Monday 24 January 2011

'Tunnels Beach - Kauai, Hawaii' by Kaldoon

Tunnels Beach - Kauai, Hawaii, originally uploaded by Kaldoon.

I said yesterday that I was going to show you a photo of somewhere else I'd really love to visit and that place is Hawaii. I really, really want to go there. I honestly can't tell you what it is about the place that makes me want to go there so much but whenever I see it on television on in a film I just think it looks fantastic.

And then of course there are awesome photos like this. Just how beautiful is this beach? I love how crisp and sharp this picture is. You can pretty much see the grains of sand on the beach. I also love how the sunset sparkles on the sea.

We definitely do plan to go one day. In fact I think it would be great to combine it with a trip to Las Vegas! And I'll definitely be sharing a lot of my photos with you here - I expect I'll still be blogging for many years to come!


  1. That makes me want to walk along the sand in bare feet and wiggle my toes into it!

  2. Oh my goodness! Just how good does that look on a cold January night in England! x

  3. Wow, that is one of the most gorgeous photos ever!

  4. This is so cheery when it's so grey outside my window today! Hope you don't mind, I've tagged you

  5. I just discovered your lovely blog. I'm just new into blogging & have just finished off my own blog on fashion & interior design.
    I had a lot of fun putting it together. I would love your feedback on it if you've got a spare minute.
