Wednesday 19 January 2011

'Friends' by Me

Friends, originally uploaded by PhotoPuddle.

I'm going to show you another one of my own photos tonight as I had such a lovely time with my daughter today and wanted to post one of her. I know every day you spend with your child is amazing but some days you just have an extra special time. I don't know what it was about this average Wednesday but she just made my heart swell with happiness and pride. She really is my little best friend. I love that we chat about all sorts of random things and I really, really love it when she tells me she loves me.

I could ramble on about how fantastic my little girl is for ages but I should probably get back to the photo. This is another one dug up from the archives. It was taken at the end of last summer when we were out walking in the local countryside with some friends. It was one of those perfect summer days. This is my daughter (in the purple hooded top) and one of her best friends. You wouldn't think a two year old could have best friends but according to her she does. Although she calls more than one of her friends her best friend so I guess she's keeping her options open.


  1. Such a cute picture! I love days when you get on so makes your heart swell doesn't it?!! xx

  2. I adore pictures of children on the move. They always have such purpose, and such a sense of adventure. Gorgeous!


  3. this is adorable!! I love looking back through old photos and so glad you decided to share this one. :)

    hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

