Thursday 1 September 2011

'Coming home...' by Hankye99

Coming home... by Hankye99
Coming home..., a photo by Hankye99 on Flickr.

Well it's September now and as far as I'm concerned it's autumn. That means that any hot and sunny day is a bonus now not one we should be entitled to as it's summer. In fact today was one of these bonus days as we had gorgeous weather. And cold days, whilst not the best thing in the world, are OK because in autumn it's perfectly acceptable to wear boots, jackets, jumpers and even gloves if need be. The only thing I'm really not looking forward to is the rain. At least with summer rain you dry off quickly but during the colder months if you get caught in the morning you just end cold and damp all day.

Here's a photo to celebrate the beauty of autumn. The leaves here are beautiful and especially striking against the blue sky and water. I love sunny autumn days like this. My favourite bit of this though are the swans. It's interesting how they are all swimming in the same direction. It looks like they're all on a mission to get somewhere important.

Happy September to you all!


  1. OMG I feel like I'm still waiting for summer to arrive. I don't feel autumn until October time.. I can usually smell it in the air one day. Make sense? This is a beautiful photo.

  2. Oh yes, I totally get you about smell of autumn. It's a lovely crisp smell isn't it?

  3. Absolutely stunning photo! Really says autumn is coming.

  4. oh autumn ... "le sigh", if only autumn was like that photo all the time and we skipped winter all together and went straight back into summer! hehe
