Wednesday 31 August 2011

'day 24/365 -london reflections' by The St@lker

I think this is beautiful. I love all the pastel colours but most of all I love the reflections. The photograph is of a street in london but the reflection looks more like buildings in Paris or Rome or some such place. They don't seem to match the parts of the buildings you can see.

Now I really want to find this street in London and photograph it myself. In fact I want to take lots more photos in London. I don't think I have enough to be honest. I have spent a lot of time in London over the years, in fact I used to work there, but I've not been there so much since my daughter was born. Maybe I'll treat my camera to a day out in London some time soon.


  1. I love London for the all the amazing photos you can take! This photo is simply stunning! :) Would love to see what kinda photos you would come back with! :D

  2. A favourite type of photo of mine - reflections. The reflection does look v European.
