Friday 22 July 2011

'lazy summer afternoon' by SuperDewa

Happy weekend everyone. I hope the next couple of days are filled with scenes like this. What a truly wonderful summer photo. I had hoped that this summer would be filled with afternoons in the sunshine like this but sadly it was not to be. Although saying that even though the weather's been pretty poor we've still managed a few barbecues and drinks outside with friends. And we've still got August to come! This photo is great because it captures the warm weather perfectly. What really makes it more than just a snapshot is the fact that only the wine glass is really in focus. Very effective. Mmmm, I fancy a glass of wine now....


  1. hmmmm and lucky I am nursing a lovely glass of wine whilst reading.

    lovely shot x

  2. I am so into natural wines at the moment, I love their sweet, light taste. I'm off to the beach this weekend, hopefully no rain. LOL.

    Lisa xx

  3. Hi there. Thank you so much for sharing my photo and for letting me know. You have a lovely blog. I just added it to my feeds. Thank you again!

  4. wine - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !
