Saturday 23 July 2011

'Bag of Popcorn!' by J-J-W

Bag of Popcorn! by J-J-W
Bag of Popcorn!, a photo by J-J-W on Flickr.

A bit of Saturday night nostalgia today I think. Don’t you just miss going to rent a video, especially on a Saturday night? I know the likes of Blockbuster still exist but it’s not the same any more now, in fact most of our local store is filled with DVDs to buy and computer games. But I remember many years ago when going to the video shop on Saturday night was actually rather exciting. It was always on a night when you would decide – shock horror – to stay in! It would either be with your friends for a movie marathon (once my friends and I did six films in one night!) or with your boyfriend or girlfriend for a romantic night in (often involving a chick flick!). And of course no trip to the video shop is complete without also purchasing a huge amount of chocolate, popcorn, fizzy drinks and ice cream – all at twice the price of the supermarket.

Of course I had to have a photo of popcorn with this post. This is the most creative and interesting one I found. What a great idea to stick the camera inside the bag. I wonder if that had been planned all along or whether it was a spontaneous thing to do. Whatever, it worked really well. The light is perfect and the photo is so crisp and clear. Great work.


  1. Great idea to put the camera in the bag. There are no more video stores in my area. I scarcely remember them, what with Netflix and streaming video....

    As for popcorn.... there is to digital replacement and that is a very good thing! :-)
