Thursday 28 July 2011

'southwold suffolk' by plot19

southwold suffolk by plot19
southwold suffolk, a photo by plot19 on Flickr.

I may get the opportunity to go to Southwold in Suffolk later this summer and must admit I am rediculously excited! Silly really but I've got it into my head that it's going to be just so pretty there. In all the pictures I've seen it just looks like the perfect british seaside town. And of course there are many lovely beach huts there. If I do go I will definitely be sure to take a lot of photos. Hopefully some of them will be as good as this one that was taken there. It's such a peaceful and beautiful image. I love all the soft colours with an almost pink hue. Yes, it definitely make me want to got for a visit.


  1. I'm excited for you as well. Thanks for coming by and commenting on my pink and orange post.

    Lisa x

  2. Great photo !
    I'm excited for you !
    If you have the time, stop by at my blog.

  3. Sunset at the beach has got to be one of the most gorgeous views ever. I love the softness and warmth of it.

  4. Southwold is lovely, it's one of my favourite places. You'll definitely enjoy taking photos of the beach huts!
