Friday 29 July 2011

'beach huts' by Hamish1979

beach huts by Hamish1979
beach huts, a photo by Hamish1979 on Flickr.

I generally like to blog something different each day but today I'm afraid I'm going to show you another Southwold photo because it's rather lovely. I love the beautiful light as the sunrises. It shines on these stunning beach huts as they are all lined up ready for a day of action by the seaside. They do kind of look like they are lined up ready for battle - except of course there can't be much of battle needed to chill out in a beach hut by the sea.

Happy weekend one and all. I hope it's a beautiful one.

1 comment:

  1. Another lovely photo :)

    Would you like to do a guest post for my blog? I'm having a little break in August and have got some 'expat bloggers' to do a couple of guest posts but I thought it would be great if you could do a post with a photo that says to you "English summer' in your usual style.

    Obviously I'd link back to you in the post and it would be entirely up to you if you wanted to link to me, I wouldn't mind at all if you posted the same on here too!

    What do you think?

