Sunday 7 November 2010

'Winter Wonderland' by Jurassic-O

Winter Wonderland, originally uploaded by Jurassic-O.

Well it really felt like someone flicked the switch and turned winter on this morning. Brrr, it's got rather chilly. A proper winter coat is definitely coming out of the wardrobe tomorrow. Maybe a hat. Definitely gloves! We seem to have had a few false starts with the cold weather so far this autumn but I guess that's what this season is all about. This time thought, I think, the cold weather is here to stay.

I'm going to try to embrace it this year. That means wrapping up in lots of warm jumpers and drinking lots of hot chocolate! It also means photographing as many wintery things as I can. Winter in England can just be damp and grey but it can also be beautiful. Hopefully I'll be able to catch some of the beautiful moments.

Here is my inspiration. When I saw this I thought it was taken in a fairytale village in Scandinavia. I couldn't believe it when I saw it was Liverpool in the UK. It's truly beautiful. Not that I'm saying Liverpool isn't pretty, I've never actually been, I just don't picture it like this. This really is a gorgeous winter wonderland.


  1. Wow, not how I picture Liverpool either. Fab photo though! Jen

  2. Wow that's a good one! I love Liverpool, this looks so atmospheric and inviting...and just a teeny bit Ghostbusters!

  3. Winter really has kicked in just since yesterday! I feel like I say this about all the pictures on here but that's amazing!!!! I had to read it was Liverpool about 5 times before I believed it ;-)

  4. that image makes me what to grab a good book and cuddle up by a nice warm fire with a cup of coco ... "le sigh"

  5. Sooo beautiful. This is what I love about winter! (although come March I am sick of it-ha!)

  6. yes, let us embrace the cold that we cannot change anyways..and see the beauty in it!

    here's to handmade scarves and blankets!

    ciao bella


    thanks for your visit btw!
