Friday 5 November 2010

'A Boom Boom Boom' by asmundur

A Boom Boom Boom, originally uploaded by asmundur.

It's Guy Fawkes Night here in the UK tonight. I must admit I rather love fireworks because I'm such a big kid. The minute I hear them banging outside I'm at the window to see if I can see them! I've even been know to stand at my front door and watch a display someone else is having. We never have them ourselves - far too dangerous and expensive. Much better to go to a display. I remember as a child my dad used to buy a box for us to have in the back garden. We'd only have the very small ones that didn't bang but just went "pffffttt" though and perhaps a packet of sparklers. But now I think the bigger the better and I love going to organised displays.

I think this firework photos is fabulous. There is so much colour and energy. And it really is so crisp and sharp. I love how there are two different types of firework captured here. The coloured ones are great because they look almost like lasers in the sky. And although completely different in reality the other ones look so soft and fluffy!

So if you will be watching fireworks this weekend I hope you have a fantastic and safe time. Right, I'm off to the window....


  1. Wow, yes that is amazing! I love watching fireworks but not hearing them :)

  2. That's a brilliant picture! We are going to a huge organised display tomorrow night and I'm probably more excited than the 7 year old!!! Yay!!!

  3. This is such a fabulous the color! I've tried to capture fireworks and I definitely need some work.

  4. My goodness that must have been a hard shot to capture. You are clever at finding such wonderful photographs. Have fun at your fireworks display. We're doing our first ever one at home in the garden. The Alpha Male feels he will have failed his children if he doesn't provide at least one memory of a garden fireworks display where they scream at him to get away from the unexploded rocket which misfired and we risk setting fire to the neighbours fence.

    Organised mother that I am, I have glittery sparklers and hotdogs on standby to provide the less stressful part of the experience....

    MD xx

  5. I watched out the window last night too. Weather looks more promising to venture out to a display tonight.

  6. That is fabulous, I love going to displays myself. Jen

  7. I love fireworks too! Enjoy the show. :)

  8. We are spoiled for choice here. Will look out my window this evening for more spectacular displays

  9. I love fireworks as well. Have a great night & enjoy the show!
