Saturday 7 August 2010

'French Shutters' by baby, picture this

French Shutters, originally uploaded by baby, picture this.

It is still August isn't it? I haven't majorly overslept and it's now November? I ask because I'm wondering where the summer has gone. It's all miserable outside. I'm sure it didn't used to be cold and wet in August. Or maybe I am just deleting the rain from my memory right now. It feels like summer's nearly gone and autumn is on it's way.

Although..... looking back we have had a pretty long and rather fantastic summer! And it really isn't over yet. There's still about three weeks left of August and then September is often a lovely warm month - especially when August has been a bit soggy. And anyway, who cares about the rain - it's not really that cold and there's still plenty to do. After all today we went swimming so spent a lot of time rather wet anyway!

Ooops, I got so caught up chatting about the weather (can you tell I'm British?) I nearly posted this without actually talking about this lovely summery photo I wanted to show you. Now if this doesn't remind you of hot weather and summer holidays I don't know what will. And I can't help but wish my house had gorgeous windows like these! I love the soft colours, I love the flowers but most of all I love the shadows as you just know that window has a beautiful view.