Sunday 8 August 2010

'These are a few of my favourite things!' by Me

I have called this photo "These are a few of my favourite things!" because these really are a few of my favourite things.

I love the beach, I love the summer, I love beach buts, I love my camera and I love my little girl. I also love the fact that she is always running off with my camera saying it's hers - cheeky thing. When I took this she'd only managed to make off with the camera bag! I think when she's a little older I'll have to get her a camera of her own.

As well as being full of lots of things that make me smile I also like how this photos looks. I think the sky and the angle give this photo movement. The sky was just luck of course (including the well placed heart shaped cloud) but the angle was cleverly done by sitting in a big hole that had been dug in the sand. I'd complain about the lengths I go to in order to capture the perfect shot but I actually rather enjoyed sitting in that hole!


  1. Darling! I love the angle!

  2. I love your daughter! She is adorable and so grown up carrying your camera..hehe. Thanks so much for your comment on the bday thing. ugh

    ps-where ARE you going to put your shoes. She's 2 going on 22 and that's a red alert on the closet situation!!


  3. This is adorable!! I can see why they are your favorite things. Love her hat, too! – g

  4. It's great hat and it's been worn a lot this summer! In fact I think this is it's third appearance on my blog!

  5. Gorgeous!! all of it LOVE!
