Sunday 1 February 2015

'My world' by Me

My world
Photo credit: PhotoPuddle on Flickr

Today my husband and I are celebrating being together for 18 years. That's as old as a whole grown up. Our relationship is now old enough to drink! The past 18 years have been amazing and I feel so lucky to have found my soulmate so early on in my life (I was 19 and he was 18). I don't really know what to say other than I love him so much and am really looking forward to going out on our own tonight to celebrate.

Here is a photo I took in the summer of the three best people in the whole wide world. Happy photo of happy days. And another one that makes me think 'roll on summer'!


  1. You're a very lucky lady and I can't deny that I'm envious.

    Em x
    PS: Hope you're settling into your specs :)

    1. Thanks. Specs are good. Only really put them on for reading in bed. Bit of pain taking them on and off all the time.

    2. Delayed reply but never the less, count yourself lucky!

      My sister and I have opposite prescriptions, she needs them for distance, I - when they're not in multifocal form - only really need them for reading. She says I have the "Sexy" kind of blindness. Meaning you could technically get to do the sexy spec removal that you see people do in films.

      Can't say I've ever felt sexy in my specs, but it's a nice idea to keep in mind :)

  2. Congratulations! We had our 20 year anniversary of when we first met last week too (I forgot though, oops!) Makes me feel very old haha. Hope you enjoyed your night out x

    1. Congratulations on 20 years! We always remember our anniversaries. This one and our wedding anniversary. Any excuse for a celebration!
