Thursday 20 February 2014

'Ready for the paddling pool' by Me

I love the school holidays. It's so nice having both my children with me all day. I am aware that quality time like this is precious so I have made it my mission to make sure every school holiday is full of fun things. I am really enjoying this half term. So far we've been to soft play, gone shopping, gone to a friend's house, had freinds over to ours, had their regular gymnastics lessons, been to playgrounds, baked cakes, done crafts, had lunch out, splashed in puddles and played games (specifically Top Trumps - I am the reigning champion but my daughter plans to take that title from me today). This morning it is raining (again) and I think a PJ day, or at least a PJ morning, is in order.

Because I've been enjoying this half term so much I have been revisiting some of the photos I took in the summer last year holidays. I loved those holidays so much and am hoping this summer is just as fun. Here is a picture I took of my little girl in Brighton. We had a great time that day starting off with getting rather wet and sandy at the big paddling pool.

Right, I had better go. My daughter has just handed me a pile of Top Trumps cards. She means business!

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