Saturday 7 September 2013

'Summer don't go' by Me

Summer don't go by PhotoPuddle
Summer don't go, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

Well that's it. The summer holidays are finally coming to an end. And what a summer it's been. I can honestly say it's been the best summer I've ever had. The weather has been fantastic - hardly any rain and lots of sunshine - and we've been so busy seeing friends, visiting places and generally having a lot of fun.

And so now a new chapter is beginning. On Monday my beautiful little girl starts primary school. I am so excited for her and I know she's going to have a blast. She's friendly, popular, kind, helpful and bright so I haven't been worrying about her settling in. But inside a little piece of my heart is breaking. It feels almost like I am losing a piece of me. We are incredibly close and this is the the first step in letting her go and find her place in the big bad world. I know I will find myself feeling a bit lost next week but I am also excited about the next step of our mother and daughter adventure. I think we have many, many, many more happy memories just waiting to be made together.


  1. I totally felt the same way. Being a mum is sometimes bittersweet especially at milestones such as this xxx

  2. Gorgeous photo. I love Autumn but I'm not wanting to let the summer go. MC is loving school but the house is eerily quiet without my little girl and I think TC is feeling it too.
    Hope your girl enjoyed her first day yesterday xx
