Tuesday 9 July 2013

'Big boy, little pool' by Me

Big boy, little pool by PhotoPuddle
Big boy, little pool, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

I've been suspecting it for some time but today it hit me for real. My baby boy is most definitely a toddler now. I was watching him playing at a toddler group earlier and he wasn't playing like a baby he was playing like a little child. And he looked just as big and grown up as the children there that I would have considered to be toddlers. Then this evening after making a complete mess eating a youghurt I changed him into the nearest clean top lying around which happened to be my daughter's pre-school t-shirt. Shockingly he didn't look that swamped in it. I can't believe he'll be at pre-school himself in little over a year. They say time goes faster with your second child and they (whoever they may be) are definitely right.

And don't get me started on my little girl who's four going on fourteen right now. When did my baby girl become such a big girl? She starts school in September and I've already bought most of her uniform. The other day I decided to dress her up in the whole lot. I thought she'd look so little but I was wrong. She really suited that uniform and she looked so natural in it. She is so ready to start school.

I love the saying "The days are long but the years are short" and it really, really is the case. I'm going to blink and my babies will be leaving home. Sniffle......

Here is my boy demonstraing just how big he's getting. This is a family sized paddling pool. I'm just kidding obviously. It's a ridiculously small one I bought it a pound shop but it actually got played in just as much as the regular sized one!

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar realisation recently with Harry. I really like the saying you posted, I don't think I've heard that before.
    Veru cute photo x
