Sunday 12 May 2013

'Summer toes' by Me

Summer toes by PhotoPuddle
Summer toes, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

So how was your weekend? Fantastic I hope as I really enjoyed mine. Yesterday, as I mentioned before, was a really productive one but today was lovely and chilled out. We were up and out quite early as we wanted to check out a local car boot sale. We wanted to see if it'd be a good place to sell our baby stuff. Then we headed to the shops as hubby wanted to take back a pair of shoes and I needed to buy socks - oh the exciting life we lead! Then as the sun was shining we decided to have a barbecue for lunch. The sun didn't shine for long though so we ended up having a barbecue picnic in the living room in front of the telly. And after that we just chilled out. Hubby watched the footy and I did a few things on the laptop. Doesn't feel like we've been able to just hang out like that for ages but all of a sudden the kids are at an age where they can play together without one of us having to play along too. And seriously I could watch them playing for ages as they are just so cute together.

Anyway, the weather might have turned a bit cold again but here's a picture I took last week when the sun was shining. Don't you just want to tickle these cute little toes? I love it when babies kneel down and their little feet stick out from under them like this.


  1. It's so nice when you can let them explore outdoors. I remember when K first started walking she didn't want to go on the grass because it tickled her feet!

  2. That's adorable. I love cute baby toes.
