Sunday 30 December 2012

'Beauty on a grey day' by Me

Beauty on a grey day by PhotoPuddle
Beauty on a grey day, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.
So have you made any new year's resolutions? I don't normally make any myself. I tend to make big resolutions with myself at other points during the year just when it feels right. Sometimes this is on my birthday as getting a year old seems a perfect time to make a change. And often September is a good time of year for resolutions too. I think because even though I'm in my thirties I've never stopped thinking in school years!

Anyway, since deciding I wanted to do a post on how I don't make resolutions I seem to have accidentally made a few. Here's hoping I can keep them. I don't think they're too hard though.

My first resolution is that I don't want to go on a diet in 2013. By that I mean I have lost my baby weight and apart from a little overindulgence over Christmas I am pretty happy with what I weigh. I want to now eat sensibly so it doesn't creep up when I'm not looking and one day I suddenly can't do my jeans up.

Secondly, I want to read more. I love reading but never find the time to do it. I have a huge 'To Read' pile so it would be good to make a big dent in that.

Thirdly, I want to de-clutter my house and have a good old sort out. I know it's an impossible dream but I would love to live in a house that was tidy all the time.

And the resolution that is most relevant to this blog is that I want to make more time for photography. Other than photos of family and friends I've hardly taken any pictures in the past couple of months. I think I get put off by the bad weather. I need to learn to embrace the grey skies more like I did in the photo above. I took this on a dull day but I think it is still a great dramatic image. Also I got bought Polaroid film for Christmas so I'm going to have fun playing with that.

So tell me, what do you resolve to do (or not do) in 2013?

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