Friday 26 October 2012

'november' by liivia s

november by liivia s
november, a photo by liivia s on Flickr.
I decided after a really busy week that a snuggly day indoors was in order and it appears I made the right choice. Hubby said it was freezing out and Facebook has been full of people saying how cold it is. I feel very smug that I've spent the day in my nice warm house in just a t-shirt. I am sure the weather will catch up with me as soon as I step outside tomorrow but for now I am going to stay in my snuggly little world and pretend it's summer.

I thought this was a perfect photo to accompany today's weather. It makes me feel cold just looking at it but I do like the idea of all the fantastic knitwear. I hope the photographer wasn't too cold. This reminds me I need to dig out my camera friendly fingerless gloves.

Hope you all have a lovely and not too cold weekend!


  1. Our weather has just changed this week too, time to get the duvet out again now. I love that photo, really reminds me of a crisp sunny English autumn day.

    1. Yeah it's photos like this that trick me into thinking winter isn't actually that bad! I hate the cold though,
