Tuesday 4 September 2012

'School Bus Top' by Todd Klassy

School Bus Top by Todd Klassy
School Bus Top, a photo by Todd Klassy on Flickr.
My daughter won't be four until October so she's not old enough to start 'big' school this year. I was a bit gutted about this at first as she seemed to have lots of friends who were of the same age and ability going up to reception class when she'd have to stay at pre-school for another year. I felt she was getting a little left behind. I have sinced changed my mind. She's a bright little girl already so hopefully she'll be super bright by next September. She'll have another year to gain more self confidence too. Also, and most importantly, I've realised I'm not ready to let her go! She'll be doing a couple of full days at pre-school this year but I can't say I'm ready for her to be at school all day every day. The past four years have just gone by so quickly! I'm going to make sure I enjoy the next year of semi-freedom with her as much as possible.

Here is a very fitting photograph to accompany a post about school. I don't think it needs much explanation. Yellow and blue is such a great combination and you know how I'm a sucker for a bright blue sky!

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