Wednesday 4 July 2012

'just two of us' by kennymuz

just two of us by kennymuz
just two of us, a photo by kennymuz on Flickr.
I think this photo is so cute. I love the colours, the sparkle in the background and it really does look like a mother or father and their child. You do actually forget for a moment that they are just daisies. Well I did anyway! I also wonder whether, like me, this photographer has a child who is constantly presenting them with things they find outside during the day. That reminds me, I really should clear out my handbag as there is currently a small collection of little stones in the front pocket. I'm not exactly sure why!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just found your blog - lovely photos : ) I love looking at other peoples pics too, I also have a bag, pockets etc. full of little treasures! that can't be left behind.
