Saturday 28 July 2012

'London: Tower Bridge is ready for the Olympics!'

I have been feeling rather proud to be British today after watching the amazing opening ceremony of the Olympics. I'm not really a sporty person so wasn't fussed when I realised that a meal out with friends clashed with the event. However, I came home half way through athletes processing around the stadium and that itself had me hooked. Luckily my husband who'd been fascinated by the whole thing thought to hit record for me so I watched the beginning bit this morning with my three year old who was also mesmerised. It was hard to resist really when my hubby and pretty much everyone on Twitter was talking about Mary Poppins defeating Voldemort, Mr Bean playing in an orchestra and the Queen and James Bond jumping out of a helicopter.

And now for the Olympic themed photo. This is a great photo of Tower Bridge and the Olympic rings. I think it's a brilliant example of night photography. The blue of the sky and the river Thames is just stunning and the exposure is perfect.

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