Thursday 12 April 2012

'Instagram tulips' by Me

Instagram tulips by PhotoPuddle
Instagram tulips, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

Well I've finally done it - I've entered the world of Instagram thanks to a super awesome birthday present of an iPad. I've been wanting to join in this craze for ages as I love the concept - micro blogging through beautiful photos - and the photo effects are fantastic. As you obviously know by now photography and blogging are my two great hobbies so I'm pleased to be able to get involved with this.

Here is one of my Instagram pictures. I never get bored of playing with the effects and finding new and interesting things to take pictures of in my everyday life. I'll no doubt post some more of my photos here in due course.


  1. I'm SO chuffed you are on instagram. I'm just annoyed Facebook have bought it now :( x

  2. Oh, by the way...if you find yourself on the Best Photography nominees for the MADs...I had a helping hand in that!
