Saturday 7 April 2012

'Magnolia' by Me

Magnolia by PhotoPuddle
Magnolia, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

I love magnolia trees. They're just so pretty and also I feel nostalgic looking at them as we had one in the garden when I was a child. There's a gorgeous magnolia just round the corner from my house which I would love to photograph. I feel a bit funny about it though as it's obviously in someone's front garden and I'm not sure if the owners would appreciate me pointing my camera at their tree. Luckily though at Nymans the other day I spotted a magnolia tree in the grounds that was equally beautiful and I got to take loads of pictures. I think this one is my favourite. It shows off the pretty pink flowers and the bright blue sky whilst still being quite soft and subtle. I can always look at this on cold winter days and think of spring.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, we had a magnolia tree in our garden too as I grew up.
