Monday 30 January 2012

'The Visit' by gottanew1

The  Visit by gottanew1
The Visit, a photo by gottanew1 on Flickr.

This photo is amazing - so powerful. It's like a scene from a movie and I could spend ages just staring at it trying to work out what it's all about. It seems like a very sad picture to me. The title is interesting too. "The Visit" - who is visiting? Is he waiting for people people to arrive or watching them leave? I'd love to know what you make of it. What do you think it's all about?


  1. Oh I agree, so thought provoking. Makes me feel sad.

  2. Oh this one makes me sad, it's depressing to think he's watching people leave. Its making me think of the old man in Call the Midwife - if you've watched it??
    Sam x

  3. Oh this is such an immense and powerful photograph. I'd like to think he's happy and watching some family or friends arrive but something makes me feel it's the opposite :(

  4. Sounds like you all got the same sad feeling from this as I did :-(
