Sunday 22 January 2012

'like mother, like daughter' by manyfires

like mother, like daughter by manyfires
like mother, like daughter, a photo by manyfires on Flickr.

I love my little girl so much and the past few years as a stay-at-home mum have been the best of my life. I'm happy to say she's really excited about becoming a big sister. I know I'll love this new baby just as much but I do worry how it'll change the relationship I have with my daughter. I hope she'll still feel as close to me and won't resent the fact that I have to look after a baby as well.

I think this mother and daughter photo is great. I want to take or have taken some pictures like this of us. I think all the matching colours are rather cute. I'm now off to look for more gorgeous mum and child shots now as I'm feeling all soppy.


  1. what... I go away for a couple months and come back to this fantastic news! Congrats!!!
    I'm sure your lil girl will make a great big sis and your relationship with her will only get better :)
    The photo is so great.

    1. Thanks :-) You can't leave the blogging world for five minutes you know. There's always something going on.
