Tuesday 3 January 2012

'Boracay Island, Blue Days in Paradise' by paynepat44

Urgh, what a day it was today. I should have seriously stayed indoors. At one point whilst we were out I swear the rain was horizontal. I got so unbelievably soaked - although for some reason because I was wearing a hat I didn't really feel as wet as I actually was. Luckily I'd taken my daughter out in her pushchair today which we don't use a lot these days, so she was all snuggled up nice and warm and dry under the raincover. Lucky thing.

So here's something beautiful which I hope will make me forget about the rain for a while. What a place. I could definitly sit there for an hour (or day) or two right now. The colours here are superb. Love all the different shades of blue. And it's such a crisp and clear photo which works so well with these vibrant colours.

Sigh..... please let the weather be just like this tomorrow.

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