Monday 16 January 2012

'Marbles and sunlight' by Me

Marbles and sunlight by <span class=
Marbles and sunlight, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

Most of this morning was spent making a marble run out of old wrapping paper tubes. I would like to say that my daughter and I did it together but it turned out to be harder to make than I thought and she got a bit bored to be honest. I persevered though and I think it looked quite cool in the end. And it worked! Later this week I think we'll decorate it and make it all pretty. She'll definitely be up for that!

Whilst playing with the marbles I couldn't help but take a few photos of them as the sunlight was beautiful again today. I wanted the pictures I took to be more about the light than the marbles themselves. I think I have achieved that. The marbles are pretty as well though.