Tuesday 27 December 2011

'Christmas Day' by ellieswellies

Christmas Day by ellieswellies
Christmas Day, a photo by ellieswellies on Flickr.

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas - I know I did. There's so much I could share with you about the past few days but I think I'll just use the word I used in my post about Christmas Eve. Magical. My daughter was just so happy and excited the whole day, in fact even two days later she seems to still be on her festive high. I'm very happy but also rather tired. On Christmas Day in fact I ended up going upstairs for a nap. Oh the joys of pregnancy! But this does mean that I got to experience a bit of childhood magic for myself. I went to bed, went to sleep and when I woke up it was still Christmas. Now how many children have wished that could be the case!

I didn't really take many arty photos over the past few day so here is a Christmas Day photo taken by someone else last year. It looks like it was a beautiful day. I love blue skies like this and snow is always a bit special if you end up with some on Christmas Day. My favourite bit of this is the icicles - check out the weird bent one to the left of this picture. I wonder how that happened.


  1. I got some great icicle photo's last year. It's a magical time of year indeed.

  2. Sounds like you had a great Christmas!! Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed New Year!

  3. So glad you had such a magical Christmas (and a lovely festive nap too!). Our Christmas was good...MC loved it but because hubby and I were both ill it took the shine off it a bit :(

    Here's to a great NEW YEAR for us and our new babies xx

  4. I dint take any photos this christmas either - wish I had! x
