Thursday 3 November 2011

''Snow Day!', United States, New York, New York City, Snow Day' by WanderingtheWorld

Well it's turned a bit rainy but all in all the weather's been behaving itself here. I'm actually finding it quite mild still. I'm sure by November I'm usually in scarf and gloves. However, I have heard that winter will probably be here by the end of the month. I guess that means we may even get snow in November again like we did last year. For some reason I'm quite looking forward to the snow this year. I've no idea why. It'll just cause chaos on the roads and panic buying in the shops. Perhaps my daughter's excitement about snow is rubbing off on me. She got new snow boots at the weekend and has been asking me constantly since when it's going to snow!

I totally love this snowy photograph. It's such a bright and lively image. I like how there's so much going on. It shows people getting with their day trying to carry on as normal dispite the snow. The detail in the snow is great too. I can almost feel the crunch underfoot of someone walking over it. The HDR effect on this also works so well. It makes the photo look so crisp (like the weather). I almost feel like I'm there right now.


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. omg - i'm so not looking forward to winter! Ahhh!

  3. It almost looks like a drawing, I think I like HDR. I wish I was there. x

  4. We are coming into Summer here (down under) and I really like the snow photos you post. I would love to travel to the Northern Hemisphere and experience a snowy winter sometime. It looks so beautiful!

  5. Katie - I agree, it is very beautiful.

    momma j lee - I've experienced a whole winter where you are and it is extremely cold and snowy compared to here. You guys seem to deal with the snow sooooo much better than we do over here though.

    Homebird - I like HDR too but sometimes I think it can be overdone and it really does look too much like a drawing. This is perfectly done though.

    Photographer Mum - Yeah, the snow can be so beautiful. At this time of year I get a bit excited about winter. By January that excitement has generally worn off though and I can't wait until spring!!

  6. I like the idea of snow and I'm looking forward to snowy weekends where I can sit inside by the fire and sip hot cocoa (with a little touch of peppermint schnapps!). However, I'm not looking forward to those blustery mornings when I have to get up and go to work!

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