Monday 10 October 2011

'Sheffield Park' by Me

Sheffield Park by PhotoPuddle
Sheffield Park, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

My daughter has been going to pre-school for over a month now and I must say that the school run is fast becoming my favourite part of the day. Not because I'm eager to get rid of her but because it makes me so happy and proud seeing her so enthusiastic about going to school. She really loves it and we've never had any issues with her not wanting to be left which is great considering her and I have hardly been apart for nearly three years.

I love picking her up after school as well. She looks so grown up coming out of the classroom in her uniform with her backpack on. And of course she'll often be holding whatever piece of artwork she's made that day. I love hearing what she's been up to and who she played with. She's gradually learning all the names of the people there. It really is a whole new and fantastic experience both for her and me.

This is a photo I took of my daughter and my husband at Sheffield Park Gardens in Sussex. It's a really pretty place and this was a fantastic photo opportunity. I like how well it works in Sepia, it looks really peaceful, which to be fair, it was.


  1. A lovely post and a gorgeous photo. My daughter has only just started play school a couple of mornings a week and I too love picking her up. Doesn't it just make them seem so grown up and I too love chatting to her about what she's been up to :)
