Monday 31 October 2011

'Witchy Duck' by Sofia Katariina

Witchy Duck by Sofia Katariina
Witchy Duck, a photo by Sofia Katariina on Flickr.

It's Halloween! Hope you've all been having a spooky time today. I've noticed a lot more people this year dressing up and doing halloweeny things. It's almost like Halloween is becoming a proper national holiday. Not a lot of dressing up has gone on in this household though as my daughter's decided she doesn't like dressing up any more. However, she did wear halloween socks and I've got black nail varnish on so we're joining in a bit!

This is a fun halloween photo. I love the bright contrasting colours. The best bit is definitely the duck's eyes. I love how it's looking up at the hat as if to say 'what the heck is that on my head?' Happy Halloween everyone!!


  1. I love that photo so much! Something about rubber duckies always makes me smile!

    Happy Halloween!

  2. I've also noticed a definite increase in Halloween festivities, a good things for me who loves it! We went for our Halloween evening walk as we do every year to see what's happening and we were amazed. The streets were full of trick or treaters & a house nearby had about 20 pumpkins creating a pathway, with a pumpkin light show and a projector playing scary clips from films, with a musical soundtrack. Sounds tacky? It wasn't though, it was like Jack Skellington had rolled up. x

  3. So cute and colorful and very appropriate for Halloween! Hope you had a lovely Halloween. ♥

  4. Homebird - that sounds really cool actually.
