Monday 24 October 2011

'Sleeping Beauty' by Me

Sleeping Beauty by PhotoPuddle
Sleeping Beauty, a photo by PhotoPuddle on Flickr.

I have a rather big announcement to make. I am pregnant! Baby number 2 should be arriving some time at the end of April. I’ve been dying to share this on my blog but decided to be good and wait until after my first scan. I must admit that even though it was very much planned the whole thing does still seem rather surreal. I can’t believe in six months I’ll have a newborn baby in my arms! I am very excited though and looking forward to becoming a family of four.

If you’ve been following my blog for a while you may have noticed that I’ve used this photo on here before. Apologies for this but it’s one of my favourites and I was having real difficultly trying to find a photo to accompany this post. I decided to use this one of my daughter as a baby again as I just love it and I know that when the new baby arrives it will have the camera pointed at it A LOT. I hope he or she doesn’t mind!


  1. Alison (deerbaby)24 October 2011 at 15:38

    Wow! Many many congratulations!!

  2. Big congrats! How exciting! :)

  3. Wow!!! Huge congratulations to you, and that is still a gorgeous photo..... looking forward to lots of cute baby related pics now :)

  4. Ahh that is wonderful news, very very chuffed for you. Lots of great photos to come! Sam xx

  5. Oh congrats!!! What an exciting and wonderful time for you.

  6. OMG how exciting! Congrats xxx

  7. Huge congratulations! I'm so happy for you!! xo

  8. It has taken me forever to get a chance to comment and say congratulations. So happy for you.
