Tuesday 18 October 2011

'Iceberg bay' by Bogdan Ionescu

Iceberg bay by Bogdan Ionescu
Iceberg bay, a photo by Bogdan Ionescu on Flickr.

This photograph was taken in Antarctica. What an amazing place to look at. It looks so surreal, almost like a different planet. Lots of people like to think they are well travelled these days but the must be just a relative handful of who get to see scenery like this.

I like this particular photo as the shape of the ice is really interesting. I like how it can be so smooth and rough at the same time. And the colour here is great too. I love how the sky is almost pink. This is a beautiful photo but I bet it's a thousand times more spectacular in real life.


  1. The textures in that are incredible! Love how your eye is lead around the iceberg on the right - makes me wonder what is on the other side.

  2. Wow! That is just incredible, really draws you in - thanks for sharing this.

  3. I'm with you. It's gorgeous, but I'm sure it's positively breathtaking in person.
