Monday 19 September 2011

'Butlers Wharf in Snow' by cybertect

Butlers Wharf in Snow by cybertect
Butlers Wharf in Snow, a photo by cybertect on Flickr.

Today my daughter and I took the train to London to meet up with a friend and her new(ish) little baby. It was a lovely day. It was warm and the sun was shining so we took a stroll by Tower Bridge before stopping for a bite to eat. It was great catching up as we'd not seen each other in absolutely ages. My little girl had a great time too. She though the baby was super cute. She also loved the long ride on the train and was perfectly behaved.

I didn't take any photos myself today but I thought I'd show you this one of where we walked today. It didn't however look quite like this today. This photo really captured my attention. I do like seeing pictures of well known places in the snow as unless you live or work close by you'll never get to see them like this. I am sure this was a pretty much a black and white scene to begin with but I think making this a black and white shot finishes it off perfectly.


  1. Ooh I love that one. It looks so clean too

  2. It's a really beautiful photo – perfectly composed. I love it!

    Thanks again for stopping by. :) xo

  3. That's beautiful. We don't get snow like that here. I would so love to visit the Northern Hemisphere in Winter sometime and see things covered in snow like that.
    Gorgeous, thanks for sharing :)

  4. Photographer Mum - the snow here can be so beautiful it's just a shame that we've still not worked out how to cope with it properly. The country always seems to come to a standstill at the first few flakes.

  5. That's a fab shot! Bet it's not very often London looks that clean and sparkly :-) xx
